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الولايات المتحدة
scam company
I actually thought they were a good company I could trust, everything was going smoothly until they showed me how much of a sham company they are. I have tried to expose the ugliness of the Xinsheng company and it has proven difficult but I got fintrack/org to carry through with the withdrawal process. Investing with Xinsheng was a major setback at the time, they had no empathy whilst perpetuating their evil acts and they will do everything to milk you, asking for payment after payment to process your withdrawal requests and each time you make payment they come up with another reason to ask for more payment.
المنشور السابق
من السهل تحقيق الربح كما قيل ، لكن لا يمكنك الانسحاب
منصة الاحتيال تغير اسمها
تعليقات الاسبوع
Deleno IFC
HERO هيرو
Envi FX
Giraffe Markets
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