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يستغرق الانسحاب الكثير من الوقت
1-2 سنة
It is taking too much time for the withdrawal
I want to know why does it takes to much time for the Withdrawal of Crypto assets from Titan Account? See sometimes We are in need of immidiate Money so we need our crypto assests in time. Taking 24 hours to 73 hours is not a convenient way to serve customers. Please reduce the withdrawal time. otherwise the company is superb but please i request to look into this concern. This makes it really bad experience for users. Already one have to wait for 15 days to get the profit, again waiting for another one day, two day or three days make it difficult for the user to pay our sum in different fields. Please Release The Cryptocurrency Fast. We want Our Crypto-Currency In Time. #India🇮🇳 Wants The Withdrawal process to be a Little Faster than usual. Make It 2 Minutes to 30 Minutes for Withdrawal. My Titan Account Name:- BIDYUT123
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وقت الانسحاب سيء جدا.
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