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انزلاقات سوق النفط: رحلة مجنونة بقيمة 3-5 دولار للبرميل
6-10 سنة
Oil Market Slippages: A Wild Ride of 3-5 Bucks per Barrel
Slippages, yeah, they're a thing. When I played around with Doo Prime, I dabbled in all sorts of stuff – oil, stocks, the whole shebang. Now, when I danced with the EUR/USD, slippages weren't a big deal. We're talking 1 to 2 pips on average, which ain't too shabby, especially with the fast-moving currency crowd. But then, I decided to take on the oil market. Whoa, things got wild! Slippages there were like 3 to 5 bucks per barrel. Doesn't sound like much, but in the oil game, that's like leaving money on the table. It was like trying to catch a rocket with a butterfly net – thrilling, but not always easy.
المنشور السابق
عملية سحب محبطة في دو برايم: الأموال محجوزة، الثقة فقدت
كوابيس الانزلاق المتكررة: تأثر 16 من أصل 20 صفقة ، استجابات الدعم البطيئة
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