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فائز غير متوقع، ولكن متحمس: أسبوعي في التداول التنافسي مع IQCent
1-2 سنة
الولايات المتحدة
Unleashing My Trading Potential: IQCent Contest Experience
I recently participated in one of IQCent's week-long trading contests, even though my chances of finishing in the money prize positions were slim. However, I still enjoyed competing on the public leaderboard and pushing myself to execute as many solid trades as possible daily. Ultimately, I did not win the top prize, but seeing my name on the scoreboard for that week and following my progress against other traders motivates me. Although I didn't win any cash this time, the fun competition aspect brought out my A-game and forced me to level up my trading skills to stand out. I'll be participating in more of IQCent's exciting trading contests in the future for the challenge it brings out in me as a trader.
المنشور السابق
سحب سريع جداً: تم إثبات واقع سحب IQCent في ساعة واحدة
تدفع المنصة الخاصة: تحليل IQCent يعزز أرباح التداول
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