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تجربة تداول إيجابية مع FxPro: الموثوقية والفرصة للتحسين
1-2 سنة
المملكة المتحدة
FxPro Trading: Positive Experience with Room for Account Type Transparency
I can definitely emphasize tons of interesting features that come in handy for me while I am trading with the fxpro. In general, my impression is positive and I don't think that there's something that disappoint me so much that I am thinking of jumping to another broker. The company is reliable as it has a plethora of regulations, as far as I know, additionally, it's a recognized leader in the industry. I would work a bit on the conditions, like to rework account types system to make it more transparent for novices, but actually it's not in my competence. I can only say something...
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