WikiFX، كمنصة مستقلة لخدمة المعلومات تابعة لجهة خارجية، مخصصة لتزويد المستخدمين بخدمات معلومات تنظيمية شاملة وموضوعية عن الوسطاء. لا تشارك WikiFX بشكل مباشر في أي أنشطة تداول فوركس، ولا تقدم أي شكل من أشكال توصيات قنوات التداول أو المشورة الاستثمارية. تستند تصنيفات وتقييمات الوسطاء من قبل WikiFX إلى معلومات موضوعية متاحة للجمهور وتأخذ في الاعتبار الاختلافات في السياسة التنظيمية لمختلف البلدان والمناطق. تصنيفات وتقييمات الوسطاء هي المنتجات الأساسية لـ WikiFX، ونحن نعارض بشدة أي ممارسات تجارية قد تعرض موضوعيتهم ونزاهتهم للخطر. نرحب بالإشراف والاقتراحات من المستخدمين في جميع أنحاء العالم. الخط الساخن للشكاوى:
تطبيق الاستفسار عن وسطاء الفوركس العالميين
Non-farm payrolls
Up to 800% Profit? No! Forbes Capital Scams many Malaysian Investors

Up to 800% Profit? No! Forbes Capital Scams many Malaysian Investors

Withdrawal of funds has always been one of the issues of great concern for investors.

Easy Deposit, Hard Withdraw: Malaysian Investor Exposes Trade Option and its "Trader" as Scam

Easy Deposit, Hard Withdraw: Malaysian Investor Exposes Trade Option and its "Trader" as Scam

A Malaysian investor recently reported that she was tricked into opening an account with Trade Option by an operator for clients and was prevented from withdrawing her funds.

An Investor Complained About Difficulty Withdrawing the Balance in AXECAP and Equinox Markets

An Investor Complained About Difficulty Withdrawing the Balance in AXECAP and Equinox Markets

Recently, Many platforms received a complaint from a user that he was experiencing difficulties withdrawing funds from AXECAP and Equinox Markets.

According To An IMF Official Quoted In The Financial Times, US Inflation Has Yet To Turn The Corner

According To An IMF Official Quoted In The Financial Times, US Inflation Has Yet To Turn The Corner

Inflation in the United States has not "turned the corner yet," and the Federal Reserve should not claim triumph in the battle against increasing prices, according to a senior IMF official in an interview with the Financial Times on Thursday.

Pretend to be Regulated: Cedar Signals is an Unlicensed FX Broker

Pretend to be Regulated: Cedar Signals is an Unlicensed FX Broker

Fraudulent brokers create false images of themselves by telling lies, one and another.

FCA Warning: EnclaveFX Receives Withdrawal Complaints

FCA Warning: EnclaveFX Receives Withdrawal Complaints

Regulation is one of the most critical factors that must be considered when you evaluate a forex broker.

Watch for Scams: CONSOB Added SevenTrade24 to Warnings

Watch for Scams: CONSOB Added SevenTrade24 to Warnings

SevenTrade24 claims it is a world-renowned financial forex broker, offering clients across the globe an opportunity to invest in over 1,000 world-class assets including forex, stocks, commodities and indices.

Scam Alert: Execute Cautious when Encountered Unregulated FX Broker 12Trader

Scam Alert: Execute Cautious when Encountered Unregulated FX Broker 12Trader

Making a profit as a trader is challenging, expecially when a broker works against you, it becomes nearly impossible to turn a profit.

Fixed Income - A Scam Setup Of Financial Fraud

Fixed Income - A Scam Setup Of Financial Fraud

The term "fixed income" refers to a broad category of investment vehicles that guarantee their holders a specific rate of return (interest or dividends) until the security's maturity date.

According To IG: The USD Will Begin 2023 On The Back Foot

According To IG: The USD Will Begin 2023 On The Back Foot

Analysts predicted that the US dollar would continue to fall further, and short traders have not been disappointed. Having said that, the dollar is holding its own versus the euro.

Warned by FCA! USGFX UK no Longer Holds FCA License

Warned by FCA! USGFX UK no Longer Holds FCA License

The information on the FCA's official website shows that USGFX UK (Union Standard International Group Limited) no longer has regulatory authorization from the FCA as of December 16, 2022.

Scam Alert: The Unauthorized Company Primis LLC is Illegally Conducting Forex Services

Scam Alert: The Unauthorized Company Primis LLC is Illegally Conducting Forex Services

In July 2022, We exposed the unlicensed forex broker BBanc, a broker operated by Primis LLC, and released news about the broker in August, warning traders to stay away from this dangerous broker.

Alert: Stay Away from the Scam Investment Firm - Unique Trade Market

Alert: Stay Away from the Scam Investment Firm - Unique Trade Market

With an average daily turnover of $6.6 trillion, the currency market is the most alluring spot for scammers to profit from their rob.

Scam Alert: Stay Away from Unlicensed FX Broker Monfex

Scam Alert: Stay Away from Unlicensed FX Broker Monfex

Successful forex trading begins with selecting a trustworthy broker.

Alert! Be Careful While Investing Your Money into TradeRyt

Alert! Be Careful While Investing Your Money into TradeRyt

Those who fall victim to investment scams often experience severe financial hardships.

Scam Alert! Stay Away from Unlicensed FX Broker Novelis Capital

Scam Alert! Stay Away from Unlicensed FX Broker Novelis Capital

Unregulated Forex brokers usually don't tell you they don't have any licenses, but use misleading information to imply that they are regulated and make you misunderstand.

Watch Out! Don't be Fooled by Scam Broker OneFX Trade

Watch Out! Don't be Fooled by Scam Broker OneFX Trade

Forex scams have long existed, and they will probably stay forever. Despite strict supervision, authorities struggle to get a complete hold of scammers.

Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon

Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon

If the forex market can provide investors with a fixed return, everyone would dash into the market and no one would like to work.

A Broker with "Story" - Ponzi Scheme Herzen Changes its Disguises Again and Again

A Broker with "Story" - Ponzi Scheme Herzen Changes its Disguises Again and Again

Recently, a Malaysian investor said that the Ponzi scheme Herzen is rampant in Malaysia and cheated many Malaysians.

Stay Away! Unregulated FX Broker Crezmoon Pretends to be Registered

Stay Away! Unregulated FX Broker Crezmoon Pretends to be Registered

Compared to legitimate companies, scammers are often hesitant to present their licenses, since they don't have any.


"الكلمات الرائجة

فوركس تداولتداول العملات الأجنبيةاسعار العملاتوسطاء الفوركسنقد النقد الاجنبىسوق الفوركسحساب الفوركسالتطبيق الفوركستجارة النقد الاجنبى الآليتحليل الفوركسخوارزمية الفوركستنبيهات الفوركستاجر الفوركسوسيط الفوركسنظام النقد الاجنبى يعملوسطاء الفوركس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةأساسيات الفوركسصندوق النقد الاجنبىالفوركس بلوقالبنك الفوركسالفوركس مؤشر ب مدار الساعةالنقد الاجنبى ب مدار الساعةمخططات الفوركسالعملة الفوركسبطاقة الفوركسأزمة النقد الاجنبىدروس الفوركستعريف الفوركسحساب فوركس تجريبياستراتيجية التداول اليوم الفوركستطوير الفوركسدليل الفوركستجار الفوركس اليومصرف العملات الأجنبيةاليورو الفوركستعليم الفوركسforexتجارة العملات الإلكترونيةالفوركس للمبتدئينتوقعات الفوركسالعقود الآجلة الفوركسمؤشرات الفوركسأسعار الفائدة الفوركسالمستثمر الاجنبىصناعة الفوركسالفوركس على الانترنتمنصات تداول العملات الأجنبيةfcanfawikifxالرافعة الماليةمخاطر الفوركسإدارة المخاطر الفوركسساعات تداول العملات الأجنبيةforex tradingforex newsforex ratesforex brokersforex reviewsforex marketforex accountforex appforex alertsforex analysisa forex brokerforex basicsbest leaderDIRECT TTEGM ForexWikiFX ReviewSaqs InvestmentCharles Schwabفوركس فوكسشركات الفوركسMax Market FX LtdVIEXSSCEIDQUOTEXالبنك المركزيالتضخمالانكماشرفع سعرالفائدةالجنيه المصري IQ OptionWest CapitalINFOCHOICEXTrend SpeedROSYSTYLE WEALTHنصائحوسيط مثالي POIPEXSMI TRADEPROFITSCCHOPFIST WEALTHKangDaCMI TRADERConfort FXMIEXAMEGAVICTORIA CAPITALاستثمارالصناديق الاستثماريةالتمويل الجماعي الاسهمرأس مالLifecoinFEXDWS INVESTFDX CAPITALCRYPTO1CAPITALMSGRegain CapitalSpartan TradeCMTproOLYMP TRADEPrime InvestNordex InvestAdar CapitalMboxes TechEuropeMarketMetamaxFXMYN CapitalW2W CapitalCrypticsEasyTradeAPPNovobrokersDT SecuritiesInvestirexGitex CapitalUeTradesActive ResistTrades Universalapextradefx24Uni-coIdealfxtradingFx-CapitalUSGCOASTHERITAGE INVESTInetmarketsCryptoneyxFXGlobeIconic ManagementProgresive TradePROFIT CINDA LIMITEDBasel MarketsTrade HuzePaxful Financialscrypto-smartchainAMT Futures LimitedAmtop Markets LtdTop-minerBluefoxinvestmentFxCapitalProfitVenus HoldingsHONESTUMZeta Hedge22 PipsProtonForexHFx CryptoFx TradeUKBTCiToroStocksEQUALPROSKranken FxWaterman Bates
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