WikiFX، كمنصة مستقلة لخدمة المعلومات تابعة لجهة خارجية، مخصصة لتزويد المستخدمين بخدمات معلومات تنظيمية شاملة وموضوعية عن الوسطاء. لا تشارك WikiFX بشكل مباشر في أي أنشطة تداول فوركس، ولا تقدم أي شكل من أشكال توصيات قنوات التداول أو المشورة الاستثمارية. تستند تصنيفات وتقييمات الوسطاء من قبل WikiFX إلى معلومات موضوعية متاحة للجمهور وتأخذ في الاعتبار الاختلافات في السياسة التنظيمية لمختلف البلدان والمناطق. تصنيفات وتقييمات الوسطاء هي المنتجات الأساسية لـ WikiFX، ونحن نعارض بشدة أي ممارسات تجارية قد تعرض موضوعيتهم ونزاهتهم للخطر. نرحب بالإشراف والاقتراحات من المستخدمين في جميع أنحاء العالم. الخط الساخن للشكاوى:
تطبيق الاستفسار عن وسطاء الفوركس العالميين
Non-farm payrolls
Mastering the Art of Evaluating Forex Signals: A Guide for Forex Traders

Mastering the Art of Evaluating Forex Signals: A Guide for Forex Traders

Forex trading is a dynamic and complex market that requires traders to make informed decisions based on various factors.

"Mastering Emotional Control: A Guide to Overpower Your Emotions in Forex Trading"

"Mastering Emotional Control: A Guide to Overpower Your Emotions in Forex Trading"

Forex trading can be an exhilarating and potentially profitable endeavor. However, the volatile nature of the markets often triggers intense emotions that can cloud judgment and lead to costly mistakes.

"Unlocking the Potential: A Beginner's Guide to Forex Trading"

"Unlocking the Potential: A Beginner's Guide to Forex Trading"

In today's ever-evolving financial landscape, forex trading has emerged as a popular investment opportunity, attracting individuals from diverse backgrounds.

How to make a passive income with forex trading

How to make a passive income with forex trading

Forex markets are one of the best-known trading markets around. They have made many people rich over the years. However, trading isn't the only way to make money in this market.

What it takes to make a living in forex trading

What it takes to make a living in forex trading

Can you make a living doing forex trading?

7 Signs Exe Markets is a Scam: Don't be Fooled

7 Signs Exe Markets is a Scam: Don't be Fooled

Exe Markets is a trading platform accused of scamming traders. It is important to be aware of the risks and losses reported.

Three Key Crises Affecting the United States - ING

Three Key Crises Affecting the United States - ING

There is a thread connecting three key crises currently affecting the United States. The inflation crisis is triggered by a politically toxic pandemic. The looming debt ceiling crisis is rooted in political dysfunction worse than ever before. The third crisis is a banking crisis, partly driven by the Fed's response to the inflation crisis. Where do we stand now?

The US inflation expectations index rose to a one-week high.

The US inflation expectations index rose to a one-week high.

The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank (FRED) has released US inflation expectations indicators measured by breakeven inflation rates for 10-year and 5-year periods. The indicators show that the latest market demand for the US dollar is validated by the US inflation expectations, as early signals of US price pressure have recently become more robust. In other words, the 10-year breakeven inflation rate has risen to a one-week high.

Keep Away: Mastertradeplusfx is a Scam Broker

Keep Away: Mastertradeplusfx is a Scam Broker

Since trillions of dollars change hands on the foreign exchange market daily, it becomes highly intriguing to scammers.

Alert! Be Careful While Investing Your Money into TradeRyt

Alert! Be Careful While Investing Your Money into TradeRyt

Those who fall victim to investment scams often experience severe financial hardships.

You may not Withdrawl from the Scam Broker Investing4You

You may not Withdrawl from the Scam Broker Investing4You

When forex trading is becoming increasingly popular, scammers seem to have learned more advanced techniques to defraud clients.

A Broker with "Story" - Ponzi Scheme Herzen Changes its Disguises Again and Again

A Broker with "Story" - Ponzi Scheme Herzen Changes its Disguises Again and Again

Recently, a Malaysian investor said that the Ponzi scheme Herzen is rampant in Malaysia and cheated many Malaysians.

Alert: Stay Away from the Scam Investment Firm - Unique Trade Market

Alert: Stay Away from the Scam Investment Firm - Unique Trade Market

With an average daily turnover of $6.6 trillion, the currency market is the most alluring spot for scammers to profit from their rob.

Up to 800% Profit? No! Forbes Capital Scams many Malaysian Investors

Up to 800% Profit? No! Forbes Capital Scams many Malaysian Investors

Withdrawal of funds has always been one of the issues of great concern for investors.

Be Careful: You may NOT get back your investment in MetaGold Capital

Be Careful: You may NOT get back your investment in MetaGold Capital

Forex trading is a riskier form of investment, and signing up with a scam broker makes it even more horrible.

Watch Out! Don't be Fooled by Scam Broker OneFX Trade

Watch Out! Don't be Fooled by Scam Broker OneFX Trade

Forex scams have long existed, and they will probably stay forever. Despite strict supervision, authorities struggle to get a complete hold of scammers.

Forex Trading Alert: "One Comment" by Fed Officials Boosts Dollar Rebound, Euro May Challenge 1.1175

Forex Trading Alert: "One Comment" by Fed Officials Boosts Dollar Rebound, Euro May Challenge 1.1175

"One Comment" by Fed Officials Boosts Dollar Rebound, Euro May Challenge 1.1175

Forex Trading Alert: Expectations of Fed Rate Hike Boost US Dollar Rebound, While Bleak UK Economic

Forex Trading Alert: Expectations of Fed Rate Hike Boost US Dollar Rebound, While Bleak UK Economic

US dollar strengthened after strong job growth in March, raising the possibility of Fed interest rate hike in May. European markets closed on Monday, while investors await US Consumer Price Index data for March. Euro fell due to ECB rate hike expectations. Pound fell on inflation concerns, despite improving macroeconomic expectations. Nomura Securities predicts GBP/USD may reach 1.30 in 2023. Hedge fund expects Fed to loosen monetary policy, leading to possible 10-15% drop in dollar value over next 18 months.

What are the safe-haven currencies? Which one is the best safe-haven currency?

What are the safe-haven currencies? Which one is the best safe-haven currency?

A safe-haven currency, also known as a store of value currency, refers to a currency that is less vulnerable to factors such as political instability, war, market fluctuations, and other risks. They are relatively stable and less likely to depreciate. Safe-haven currencies are designed to minimize the risk of depreciation but this doesn't mean that they are immune to fluctuations in market prices, as the market price of any currency can experience volatility.

What % Can You Make in Forex?

What % Can You Make in Forex?

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