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Ikhtisar:The settlement calls for Musk's communication via social media, press releases, and investor calls to be preapproved by a securities lawyer.
The Securities and Exchange Commission and Elon Musk have come to a settlement agreement over the Tesla CEO's use of social media. The settlement, announced on Friday, requires all of Musk's communication about Tesla's business via social media, the company's website, press releases, and investor calls to be preapproved by a securities lawyer.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Elon Musk and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have come to a settlement agreement over the Tesla CEO's errant behavior on social media. “The (SEC), Musk, and the General Counsel of Tesla met and conferred, and the parties have reached an agreement to resolve the Commission's pending contempt motion against Musk,” the filing said.The settlement, announced on Friday, requires all of Musk's communication via social media, the company's website, press releases, and investor calls to be preapproved by an “experienced securities lawyer.”Read more: Tesla stock closes at its lowest price since January 2017 to end a brutal weekThe settlement requires Tesla to, “implement mandatory procedures and controls (i) providing oversight of all of Elon Musk's communications regarding the Company made in any format, including, but not limited to, posts on social media (e.g., Twitter), the Company's website (e.g., the Company's blog), press releases, and investor calls; and (ii) requiring pre-approval by Securities Counsel of any written communication that contains information regarding any of the following topics:”the Company's financial condition, statements, or results, including earnings or guidance;“potential or proposed mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, tender offers, or joint ventures;”production numbers or sales or delivery numbers (whether actual, forecasted, or projected) that have not been previously published via pre-approved written communications issued by the Company (“Official Company Guidance”) or deviate from previously published Official Company Guidance;“new or proposed business lines that are unrelated to then-existing business lines (presently includes vehicles, transportation, and sustainable energy products);”projection, forecast, or estimate numbers regarding the Company's business that have not been previously published in Official Company Guidance or deviate from previously published Official Company Guidance;“events regarding the Company's securities (including Musk's acquisition or disposition of the Company's securities), credit facilities, or financing or lending arrangements;”nonpublic legal or regulatory findings or decisions;“any event requiring the filing of a Form 8-K by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including:”a change in control; or“a change in the Company's directors; any principal executive”officer, president, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, principal operating officer, or any person performing similar functions, or any named executive officer; or“such other topics as the Company or the majority of the independent members of its Board of Directors may request, if it or they believe pre-approval of communications regarding such additional topics would protect the interests of the Company's shareholders;”In February, the SEC asked the judge that approved their 2018 settlement to hold Musk in contempt of court after Musk tweeted out a projection about Tesla vehicle production. The SEC said in a court filing that Musk violated the terms of their settlement by not receiving approval from Tesla before publishing the tweet.The settlement followed an August 2018 tweet from Musk saying he had obtained the funding necessary to take Tesla private at $420 per share. The SEC sued Musk over that tweet, saying that Musk was not as close to acquiring funding for the deal as he indicated. Their settlement required Musk to step down as the chairman of Tesla's board of directors for three years, pay a $20 million fine, and receive approval for all future written communications that could be relevant to Tesla shareholders.Have you worked for Tesla? Here are 8 he failed to deliver on.Life, death, and spontaneous combustion — here's why the debate about Tesla fires just got more fierceLyft's COO, a former Tesla exec, is the latest expert to throw cold water on Elon Musk's plan to have 1 million robo-taxis on the road by 2020Elon Musk's prediction that it will have a robo-taxi service ready by the end of 2020 is a 'publicity stunt,' an expert says
美国证券交易委员会和伊隆马斯克就特斯拉首席执行官使用社交媒体达成和解协议。该和解协议于周五公布,要求马斯克通过社交媒体,公司网站,新闻稿以及投资者电话公司与特斯拉的业务进行沟通,并获得证券律师的预先批准。访问Business Insider的主页了解更多故事.Elon Musk和证券和交易委员会(SEC)就特斯拉首席执行官在社交媒体上的错误行为达成和解协议。 “特斯拉的(SEC),马斯克和总法律顾问会见并授予,双方已达成协议,以解决委员会对马斯克的藐视藐视议案,”该文件说。周五宣布的和解要求所有马斯克通过社交媒体,公司网站,新闻稿和投资者电话的沟通得到了“经验丰富的证券律师”的预先批准。阅读更多:特斯拉股票收于2017年1月以来的最低价格结束残酷的一周结算要求特斯拉, “实施强制性程序和控制(i)监督所有Elon Musk关于公司的任何形式的通讯,包括但不限于社交媒体(如Twitter),公司网站(例如公司的网站)上的帖子博客),新闻稿和投资者电话;以及(ii)要求证券法律师预先批准任何包含以下任何主题信息的书面通信:”公司的财务条件,陈述或结果,包括收益或指导;“潜在或拟议的合并,收购,处置,要约收购或合资企业;”生产数量或销售或交付数量(无论是实际的,预测的还是预测的)尚未之前通过公司发布的预先批准的书面通信(“官方公司指南”)或偏离先前公布的官方公司指南发布;“不相关的新的或拟议的业务线o当时的业务线(目前包括车辆,运输和可持续能源产品);”关于公司业务的预测,预测或估计数字,此前未在官方公司指南中公布或偏离先前公布的官方公司指南; “有关公司证券的事件(包括马斯克收购或处置公司证券),信贷融通或融资或贷款安排;”非公开法律或监管调查结果或决定;“任何要求提交8-K表格的事件。公司与证券交易委员会,包括:”控制权变更;或“公司董事变更;任何主要执行官”高级职员,总裁,主要财务官,主要会计主管,主要营运官,或任何履行类似职能的人,或任何指定的执行官;或“公司或其大多数独立成员等其他主题董事会可以要求,如果它或他们认为预先批准关于此类附加主题的通信将保护公司股东的利益;”2月,美国证券交易委员会要求法官批准他们的2018年和解,以藐视马斯克藐视法庭马斯克在推特上发布了关于特斯拉汽车生产的预测。美国证券交易委员会在一份法庭文件中称,马斯克在发布推文之前没有得到特斯拉的批准而违反了他们的和解条款。在马斯克的2018年8月推文中说,他已经获得了解决方案。以每股420美元的价格将特斯拉私有化所需的资金。美国证券交易委员会对该公司起诉麝香,称马斯克不是那么接近他表示,要为这笔交易获得资金。他们的和解要求马斯克辞去特斯拉董事会主席三年的职务,支付2000万美元的罚款,并获得可能与特斯拉股东有关的所有未来书面通讯的批准。你曾为特斯拉工作吗?你有没有分享一个故事?请通过mmatousek@businessinsider.com联系本报记者。阅读更多:Elon Musk喜欢做出宏伟的承诺。这里有8个他没能兑现。生命,死亡和自燃 - 这就是为什么关于特斯拉火灾的辩论变得更加激烈赖特的首席运营官,前特斯拉执行官,是最新的专家,给埃隆马斯克的计划提供冷水1据路透社报道,到2020年将有100万辆出租车在路上行驶Elon Musk预测它将在2020年底之前准备好机动车出租服务,这是一种“宣传噱头”,专家说
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