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Lời nói đầu:Avoiding risk by not investing in the stock market also means you're missing out on potential gain. It may be time to put your extra savings to work.
{1} Personal Finance Insider撰写有关产品,策略和提示的文章,以帮助您用钱做出明智的决策。我们的合作伙伴可能会收到一笔小额佣金,但我们的报告和建议始终是独立和客观的。不投资股票市场的风险也意味着您错失了潜在收益。我们比较了10,000美元的潜在增长,加上在传统的储蓄账户,货币市场账户,5年存款证(CD)和指数基金中额外的每月供款。计算表明投资于股票市场的资金具有最大的增长潜力。一旦你'我们建立了一个应急基金,偿还了高息债务,并且可以轻松地支付你的每月开支,可能是时候将你的额外储蓄用于股票市场。访问Business Insider的主页了解更多故事。投资需要承担风险,起初嗤之以鼻似乎很可怕。但是避免风险意味着你也避免了潜在的收益。一旦你建立了应急基金,偿还了高息债务,并且可以轻松地支付你的每月开支,那么可能是时候在股票上投入额外的资金了。市场。考虑下面的图表,该图表比较了10,000美元的余额以及100美元的额外月供款如何在各种储蓄工具中持续超过五年 - 传统储蓄账户,货币市场账户或5年存款证明(CD) ) - 和指数基金,一种低成本,广泛多样化的投资。大多数CD有一个固定的时间框架,不允许在初始存款和到期日之间额外缴纳,因此额外的捐款将是0.0美元网上银行提供货币市场账户的当前利率超过2%,我们使用联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的全国平均利率来计算最保守的估计。根据通货膨胀因素调整后,股市的历史回报率为10%或7%至8%。每年复合指数基金产生最高回报,增加初始账户余额,加上额外供款,五年内超过21,000美元。短期储蓄有更多选择,而股票市场显然有可能提供最佳回报,投资资金不是'很容易获得,你可能会在经济低迷时失去它。尽管如此,重要的是要记住,真正的创造财富的投资是长期的,任何损失通常会随着时间的推移而纠正。如果你正在寻找一个存储储蓄的地方,你需要在短期内获得一些利息,货币市场账户或高收益储蓄是一个不错的选择,如果你在未来的日期之前不需要这笔钱,甚至是CD。一张CD具有特定的期限,从三个月到五年不等。如果不付罚款通常无法获得这笔钱。一般来说,期限越长,利率越高。想要保持你的资金关闭,但是还在增长吗?考虑一下我们的合作伙伴提供的这些报价:你可能已经投资于股票市场如果你正在为退休账户做出贡献IRA或401(k),您可能已经在股票市场投资。根据旧金山Citrine Capital的认证财务规划师和私人财富顾问Ryan Cole的说法,具有税收优惠的退休账户是开始投资的最佳方式之一。当您的收入增长免税时,您有可能获得更多收入。您的退休计划可能会让您选择通过ETF或共同基金投资指数基金。财务规划师通常会为首次投资者推荐指数基金,因为他们管理费用较低,并使投资者可以选择广泛的股票。您也可以通过Vanguard或Charles Schwab等公司直接投资指数基金,或使用机器人 - 像Betterment和Wealthfront这样的顾问。对于那些希望保持低费用,开始投资小型投资组合,以及能够“设置并忘记”他们的人来说,这些都是很好的工具。外衣。 {1}{0}{1}
Personal Finance Insider writes about products, strategies, and tips to help you make smart decisions with your money. We may receive a small commission from our partners, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.Avoiding risk by not investing in the stock market also means you're missing out on potential gain.We compared the potential growth of $10,000, plus additional monthly contributions, in a traditional savings account, money-market account, a 5-year certificate of deposit (CD), and index funds.The calculations show that money invested in the stock market has the greatest potential for growth.Once you've established an emergency fund, paid down high-interest debt, and can comfortably cover your monthly expenses, it may be time to put your extra savings to work in the stock market.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Investing requires taking a risk, and it can seem scary at first sniff. But avoiding risk means you're also avoiding potential gain.Once you've established an emergency fund, paid down high-interest debt, and can comfortably cover your monthly expenses, it may be time to put any extra savings to work in the stock market.Consider the chart below, which compares how a $10,000 balance, with additional monthly contributions of $100, would fare over five years in various savings vehicles — a traditional savings account, money-market account, or 5-year certificate of deposit (CD) — and an index fund, a type of low-cost, broadly-diversified investment.Most CDs have a fixed time frame and don't allow additional contributions between initial deposit and the maturity date, so additional contributions would be $0.While many online banks offer current rates on money-market accounts above 2%, we used national average rates from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to calculate the most conservative estimate. The stock market's historical rate of return is 10%, or between 7% and 8% when adjusted for inflation.Compounded annually, index funds yield the highest return, growing the initial account balance, plus additional contributions, to over $21,000 in five years.There are more options for short-term savingsWhile the stock market clearly has the potential to provide the best return, money invested isn't easily accessible and there's a chance you will lose it in a downturn. Still, it's important to remember that true wealth-generating investments are long term, and any losses will typically correct themselves over time.If you're looking for a place to store savings you'll need in the short term while still earning some interest, a money-market account or high-yield savings is a good option, or even a CD if you don't need the money until a future date.A CD comes with a specific term length, from three months to five years, in which the money typically can't be accessed without paying a penalty. Generally, the longer the term length, the higher the interest rate.Want to keep your money close, but growing? Consider these offers from our partners:You might already be invested in the stock marketIf you're contributing to a retirement account like an IRA or 401(k), you may already be investing in the stock market. A tax-advantaged retirement account is one of the best ways to get started investing, according to Ryan Cole, a certified financial planner and private wealth advisor at Citrine Capital in San Francisco. When your earnings grow tax-free, you have the potential to earn even more.Your retirement plan may give you the option to invest in index funds through an ETF or mutual fund. Index funds are often recommended by financial planners for first-time investors because they have low management fees and expose the investor to a broad selection of stocks.You can also invest in index funds directly, through firms like Vanguard or Charles Schwab, or using robo-advisors like Betterment and Wealthfront. These are good tools for people who want to keep fees low, to start investing with small portfolios, and to be able to “set and forget” their investments.
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