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Lời nói đầu:On our last investigation trip, we visited UOB in Malaysia and confirmed that the company is at the address from its regulatory information and is in business under LFSA regulation. As an “eye” for global investors, WikiFX conducts spot check on forex brokers and makes overall assessments based on the results, in order to better serve forex investors and help them identify the reliable brokers. Upon investors’ requests, we’re checking out the forex broker ALBUS CAPITAL in Malaysia this time.
Company name: Albus Capital Inc.
Address: U0155, 2nd Floor, Chung Kwong Building, Jalan Okk Awang Besar 87008 labuan F.T., Malaysia.
Visited on: August 26th, 2019
Visited by: WikiFX team
Previous on-the-spot investigation
On our last investigation trip, we visited UOB in Malaysia and confirmed that the company is at the address from its regulatory information and is in business under LFSA regulation. As an “eye” for global investors, WikiFX conducts spot check on forex brokers and makes overall assessments based on the results, in order to better serve forex investors and help them identify the reliable brokers. Upon investors‘ requests, we’re checking out the forex broker ALBUS CAPITAL in Malaysia this time.
On-the-spot investigation
According to the address on the broker‘s website and the street map, we came to Jalan Okk Awang Besar street and found, with some genuine efforts, the Chung Kwong Building where Albus Capital Inc was supposedly located. Although we carefully went through the building’s floor directory, we couldn‘t find Albus Capital Inc on it. Through consulting the building administration, we learned that the building houses many branches of the Wong Chik Lim Group. But none of the building’s administrative staff has heard of a company named ALBUS CAPITAL
Per the visit, we confirm that the address of Malaysian broker ALBUS CAPITAL doesnt match its regulatory information, while further investigation of the broker on the WikiFX App suggests its STP license from LFSA is suspected to be cloned. Without valid regulation currently, ALBUS CAPITAL whose WikiFX rating is only 1.19 bears tremendous risks, please stay away from it.
Dedicated to satisfying the market and our customers, WikiFX has visited thousands of brokers in SE Asia, Britain, Australia and elsewhere around the world, receiving wide acclaim from global investors. Whether the well-established brokers or deceptive illegal brokers, WikiFX has their profiles collected through on-the-spot visits and promptly offers investors the quality first-hand information about brokers. Stay tuned if youre interested in learning more about WikiFX on-the-spot visits, or download the WikiFX App to get updates of the latest forex news.
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