موقع الويب
معلومات تنظيمية غير صالحة ، كن حريصاً من المخاطر
مكان الخادم
Hong Kong
اسم مجال موقع الويب
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في الوقت الحالي ، يمكننا فقط تجميع صورة تقريبية لـ AGA TRADERS أنشطة وسيط الفوركس من خلال البحث عن معلومات مهمة على مواقع الويب الأخرى أثناء عدم توفر موقع الويب الرسمي للوسيط.
معلومات عامة
AGA TRADER هو وسيط فوركس عبر الإنترنت مسجل في المملكة المتحدة ، ويقدم سلسلة من أدوات التداول بما في ذلك العملات الأجنبية والسلع والمؤشرات والأسهم.
يُقال إن شركة aga Trader مملوكة ومدارة من قبل AGA TRADERS GROUP LTD. ، شركة مسجلة في المملكة المتحدة. ومع ذلك ، وفقًا لـ wikifx ، فإن هذه الوساطة غير منظمة أو مرخصة من قبل أي هيئات تنظيمية لممارسة الأنشطة المالية.
أدوات السوق
تدعي شركة AGA TRADER أنها تقدم أصول تداول سائدة وشائعة ، والتي تشمل العملات الأجنبية ، بالإضافة إلى سلسلة من منتجات العقود مقابل الفروقات على السلع والمؤشرات والأسهم.
منصة التداول
AGA TRADER يدعم منصة التداول MT5 ، الخيار المفضل لمعظم متداولي الفوركس. احتفظ MT5 بالعديد من الميزات والأدوات الإيجابية التي سبقته ، ولكنه أكثر تقدمًا من الناحية الفنية. يمكن للمتداولين الاستفادة من الرسوم البيانية والتحليلات الرائعة للمنصة ، والتداول الآلي من خلال المستشارين الخبراء (EA) ، وكذلك التعامل في المشتقات والأدوات المتداولة في البورصة من حساب واحد.
يرجى ملاحظة أن AGA TRADER لا يقدم حسابًا تجريبيًا ، مما يجعل المتداولين يفقدون فرصة التعود على هذه المنصة وتعزيز مهاراتهم في التداول.
الإيداع والسحب
AGA TRADERSيتم الاحتفاظ بمتطلبات الحد الأدنى للإيداع طي الكتمان. في معظم الحالات ، تدعم معظم شركات السمسرة عملائها في إجراء الإيداع والسحب من خلال بعض طرق الدفع الشائعة ، مثل بطاقات الائتمان (فيزا وماستركارد ومايسترو) ، بالإضافة إلى معالجات الدفع الإلكتروني مثل paypal و skrill.
يرجى أن تضع في اعتبارك أن VISA و MasterCard تتيح لك 540 يومًا لتقديم طلب استرداد المبالغ المدفوعة مما يمنحك فرصة قتال لاسترداد أموالك.
معلومات الاتصال
يمكن الوصول إلى AGA TRADER عبر البريد الإلكتروني: فقط ، ونقص الاتصال عبر الإنترنت أو رقم الهاتف هو علامة أخرى مقلقة. هذا يعني أنك إذا واجهت بعض مشاكل التداول ، فلا يمكنك التحدث مباشرة إلى هذا الوسيط.
ملحقات كروم
استعلام عن تنظيم وسيط فوركس عالمي
تصفح مواقع وسطاء الفوركس وتحديد الوسطاء الشرعيين والاحتيال بدقة
تثبيت الآن
This people stole my money
I've just realized that at first sometime around August 2020, the person asked me to register under kgmmarkets.comSo they are the same scammers as Qiviut and they maybe using other names as well. In the beginning they had asked me to do a bank transfer and gave me their bank details. Please people report these scammers maybe we can get some help from the authorities. See the attached banking details. Bank based in Hong Kong. If we file more complaints the police can take on the cases and easily find them through the information provided to bank and also phone numbers they have been using to communicate.I have filed an online report on the HK police website, please please do the same. (copy and paste the following link of the HK police cyber crime page);jsessionid=MRqK1IUg6GO8NgsR0iHfuAs-hzyDgYBzybidrbPM.node1?report=CBR_CRIME&fontSize=100&vTimeoutReminder=1740000&vTimeoutVal=1800000&vTimeoutReminderVal=60000
Kexin Wu, claiming the market manager of CGSE, said she would help me pursue the money in gold8 service. So she asked me to deposit $2,000 in their platform first. Now she disappeared and didn’t reply to my messages. I’m unable to withdraw. I emailed their company but the email address is false. She use the fake photos to cheat others on the internet. I can’t show you the history of withdrawal applications and trading because I can’t log in.
If you profit, they will not allow you to withdraw.
Fraud broker. Cheat you via the Internet. You can’t withdraw your money.
Knight Service Group Limited kept raising money. But when you want to withdraw, they vanished. I made a loss of over four million.
This broker induce investors to deposit via MT5. Delay your withdrawal for no reason. They’ll vanish in the end.
I can't log in after buying some stocks. Always offline. I don't what to do and there is no customer service phone number.
He said he profited a lot because he has a relative who analyzed the market correctly. He wanted to help me to profit too. Induce me to deposit again and again (Pretend to be a good guy and help me to deposit and ask me to deposit too). I was told the market was in a bullish mood. I profited at the first few times. Then my positions were wiped out after I didn't deposit. It was called business choice partner group limited before the end of July. My positions were wiped out and lost over 70,000 at that time for he wanted me to deposit. He asked me to deposit, I refused so he pretended to deposit 20,000 for me and asked me to deposit 5,000. After that the name was changed as knight service group limited. My balance became negative at the end of August and owed over 23,000. I was threatened to pay for the debt in the account foe they said the debt can effect my credit, grossly infamous! The account of the payee is a personal account. And the account was closed after the money was withdrawn. and Now the two WeChat accounts were closed by the fraud too. The fraud is inhuman! You’ll choke to death when you were entertained with all kinds of delicious with others’ hard-earned money! His nature is hard to change. He swindles again with another name of the fraud platform! He won’t show any mercy! Please be vigilant when you invest!
The fraud added my WeChat under the guise of a handsome boy. He said he was doing a business about Marble and betrayed by his girlfriend because he was busy. He profited a lot because he has a relative who analyzed the market correctly. He wanted to help me to profit too. Induce me to deposit. I profited until I didn't witdhraw. Then my positions were wiped out when I didn't deposit. It was called business choice parter group limited before the end of July. My positions were wiped out at that time for he wanted me to deposit. He asked me to deposit, I refused so he pretended to deposit 20,000 for me and aked me to deposit 5,000. After that the name was changed as knight service group limited. My balkance became negative at the end of Auguist and owed over 23,000. The account of the payee is a personal account. And the account was closed when the money was withdrawn. Now the two WeChat accounts were closed by the fraud too
At first, it was normal. I chatted happily every day, and then I talked about investment He said he wanted to introduce MT5, an investment platform, to teach me to play with him in simulation Later, he showed me his real account and said that he had made a lot of money. It had been 2-3 months. At first, I was still dubious. Then he asked me to carry whats app and ask me to give him his mobile phone number. I had to open an account with his ID card. Then he said that he could only start to invest with funds. It took 100,000 yuan. I hesitated for a long time. As a result, she kept asking me whether I had invested any money I told her if I didn't believe her, and then I began to ask her crazily, until I followed suit. Was the money really on the platform? I did see the money in the account. But when I found out that the platform couldn't log in, it was strange. I only saw that the money couldn't be withdrawn, I realized I was cheated.
The fraud added my WeChat under the guise of a handsome boy. He said he was doing a business about Marble and betrayed by his girlfriend because he was busy. He profited a lot because he has a relative who analyzed the market correctly. He wanted to help me to profit too. Induce me to deposit. I profited until I didn't witdhraw. Then my positions were wiped out when I didn't deposit. It was called business choice parter group limited before the end of July. My positions were wiped out at that time for he wanted me to deposit. He asked me to deposit, I refused so he pretended to deposit 20,000 for me and aked me to deposit 5,000. After that the name was changed as knight service group limited. My balkance became negative at the end of Auguist and owed over 23,000. The account of the payee is a personal account. And the account was closed when the money was withdrawn. Now the two WeChat accounts were closed by the fraud too
I knew a fraud who taught me how to invest forex on a dating platform in early August. I profited at first and second time, yet my positions were wiped out at the third time. The website was disabled then. The fraud vanished, so did the customer service.
بحق الجحيم! لا يمكنني تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابي الشخصي بعد شراء بعض أزواج العملات ، هل تظهر دائمًا أن الشبكة غير متوفرة؟ ماذا حدث؟ أنا فقط غير قادر على الاتصال بفريق دعم العملاء ، لأن رقم هاتفهم غير صالح.