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Euro Overview

Euro Overview

Euro Jumps to 1-Month High as ECB's Lagarde Fails to Calm Rate Hike Bets.

Euro Technical Analysis: EUR/USD, EUR/JPY Eyeing Push to Higher Highs

Euro Technical Analysis: EUR/USD, EUR/JPY Eyeing Push to Higher Highs

Euro Technical Analysis: EUR/USD, EUR/JPY Eyeing Push to Higher Highs

​Opposition to EU's Budget Increases Euro's Downside Risk

​Opposition to EU's Budget Increases Euro's Downside Risk

Recently, EUR/USD grew to as high as 1.1869 amid the rising risk sentiment fueled by the progress in new vaccine and the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement.

EU’s Recovery Fund Will Affect Euro’s Trend

EU’s Recovery Fund Will Affect Euro’s Trend

Germany and France jointly proposed on the 18th to establish an European Union recovery fund to offer financial aids to members struck by the economic fallout of the pandemic.

Euro Longs at Record Level Suggest a Bullish Trend

Euro Longs at Record Level Suggest a Bullish Trend

Though euro is falling against US dollar towards a 3-year’s low, fund managers are stepping up their bullish bets on the euro.

Divergence of Britain and EU Is Weighing Down on Euro

Divergence of Britain and EU Is Weighing Down on Euro

When it comes to the future of European capital market after Brexit, Britain and the European Union had not seen great disputes as they did over other issues. But the situation is changing now.


The euro has been around for 21 years — here are the 12 currencies it replaced - Business Insider

The euro was introduced in many country's banking systems in 1999, and was launched as coins and banknotes in 12 countries on January 1, 2020.


Mario Draghi saved the euro, but leaves ECB at a crossroads

In 2012, Mario Draghi uttered what may be the three most famous words in the history of central banking, pledging the European Central Bank would do “whatever it takes” within its mandate to preserve the euro.

Euro Braces for ECB and Draghi, US Dollar Eyes CPI Data

Euro Braces for ECB and Draghi, US Dollar Eyes CPI Data

Global traders will be in for a turbulent day as the ECB prepares to announce its rate decision which may inspire market-wide volatility. This may be amplified by US CPI data.

Euro Sinks Ahead of ECB & Draghi, Implied Volatility Surges

Euro Sinks Ahead of ECB & Draghi, Implied Volatility Surges

Euro selling pressure builds as implied volatility measures skyrocket and dovish expectations fester while forex traders anxiously await the high-impact September ECB meeting slated for Thursday.

Euro May Rise vs US Dollar if Jobs Data Boosts Fed Rate Cut Bets

Euro May Rise vs US Dollar if Jobs Data Boosts Fed Rate Cut Bets

The Euro may rise against the US Dollar if US nonfarm payrolls data undershoots expectations and boosts the case for more accommodative Fed monetary policy.

Euro May Fall on ECB Minutes, Jackson Hole and Eurozone PMIs

Euro May Fall on ECB Minutes, Jackson Hole and Eurozone PMIs

The Euro may fall against the US Dollar if ECB minutes carry ultra-dovish undertones and commentary from Jackson Hole spooks markets against the backdrop of Eurozone PMI data.

Euro Rate Outlook: PMI Data Eyed by EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY

Euro Rate Outlook: PMI Data Eyed by EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY

The Euro could be at risk judging by the rise in overnight implied volatility measures ahead of Eurozone PMI data slated for release during early Thursday trade.

Euro Pressured by Dovish ECB Stimulus Comments from Rehn

Euro Pressured by Dovish ECB Stimulus Comments from Rehn

The Euro is coming under heavy selling pressure following the latest remarks from the ECB's Rehn hinted at the need for an aggressive monetary stimulus package as soon as next month.

Euro Technical Price Outlook: EUR/USD Near-term Breakout Imminent

Euro Technical Price Outlook: EUR/USD Near-term Breakout Imminent

A rally of more than 2% takes Euro into near-term consolidation just below downtrend resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the EUR/USD technical price charts.

EUR/JPY Price Chart: Outside-day Reversal Off Key Support Post-ECB

EUR/JPY Price Chart: Outside-day Reversal Off Key Support Post-ECB

EUR/JPY is poised to mark an outside-day reversal off key weekly support on the back of the ECB today. Here are the levels that matter on the EUR/JPY weekly chart.

Euro Weekly Price Outlook: EUR/USD Breakout Eyes Yearly Open into Q3

Euro Weekly Price Outlook: EUR/USD Breakout Eyes Yearly Open into Q3

Euro has rallied more than 2.7% off the yearly lows with the advance now testing initial resistance targets. Here are the levels that matter on the EUR/USD weekly chart.

Near-term Trade Setups in USD/CAD and EUR/USD

Near-term Trade Setups in USD/CAD and EUR/USD

An update on near-term trade setups we've been tracking in Loonie (USD/CAD) and Euro (EUR/USD). These are the targets and invalidation levels that matter this week.

Euro Braces for Finance Minister Meeting, Brexit Risk Rattles GBP

Euro Braces for Finance Minister Meeting, Brexit Risk Rattles GBP

Euro traders will be nervously eyeing the meeting between Eurozone Finance Ministers over how to proceed with Italy while GBP groans in the facing of more Brexit uncertainty.

Euro Price Outlook: EUR/USD Breakout Stalls – Trade Levels to Know

Euro Price Outlook: EUR/USD Breakout Stalls – Trade Levels to Know

Last weeks breakout in Euro has fueled a nearly 2% rally with the advance stalling into slope resistance. Here are the levels that matter on the EUR/USD price charts.


"الكلمات الرائجة

فوركس تداولتداول العملات الأجنبيةاسعار العملاتوسطاء الفوركسنقد النقد الاجنبىسوق الفوركسحساب الفوركسالتطبيق الفوركستجارة النقد الاجنبى الآليتحليل الفوركسخوارزمية الفوركستنبيهات الفوركستاجر الفوركسوسيط الفوركسنظام النقد الاجنبى يعملوسطاء الفوركس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةأساسيات الفوركسصندوق النقد الاجنبىالفوركس بلوقالبنك الفوركسالفوركس مؤشر ب مدار الساعةالنقد الاجنبى ب مدار الساعةمخططات الفوركسالعملة الفوركسبطاقة الفوركسأزمة النقد الاجنبىدروس الفوركستعريف الفوركسحساب فوركس تجريبياستراتيجية التداول اليوم الفوركستطوير الفوركسدليل الفوركستجار الفوركس اليومصرف العملات الأجنبيةاليورو الفوركستعليم الفوركسforexتجارة العملات الإلكترونيةالفوركس للمبتدئينتوقعات الفوركسالعقود الآجلة الفوركسمؤشرات الفوركسأسعار الفائدة الفوركسالمستثمر الاجنبىصناعة الفوركسالفوركس على الانترنتمنصات تداول العملات الأجنبيةfcanfawikifxالرافعة الماليةمخاطر الفوركسإدارة المخاطر الفوركسساعات تداول العملات الأجنبيةforex tradingforex newsforex ratesforex brokersforex reviewsforex marketforex accountforex appforex alertsforex analysisa forex brokerforex basicsbest leaderDIRECT TTEGM ForexWikiFX ReviewSaqs InvestmentCharles Schwabفوركس فوكسشركات الفوركسMax Market FX LtdVIEXSSCEIDQUOTEXالبنك المركزيالتضخمالانكماشرفع سعرالفائدةالجنيه المصري IQ OptionWest CapitalINFOCHOICEXTrend SpeedROSYSTYLE WEALTHنصائحوسيط مثالي POIPEXSMI TRADEPROFITSCCHOPFIST WEALTHKangDaCMI TRADERConfort FXMIEXAMEGAVICTORIA CAPITALاستثمارالصناديق الاستثماريةالتمويل الجماعي الاسهمرأس مالLifecoinFEXDWS INVESTFDX CAPITALCRYPTO1CAPITALMSGRegain CapitalSpartan TradeCMTproOLYMP TRADEPrime InvestNordex InvestAdar CapitalMboxes TechEuropeMarketMetamaxFXMYN CapitalW2W CapitalCrypticsEasyTradeAPPNovobrokersDT SecuritiesInvestirexGitex CapitalUeTradesActive ResistTrades Universalapextradefx24Uni-coIdealfxtradingFx-CapitalUSGCOASTHERITAGE INVESTInetmarketsCryptoneyxFXGlobeIconic ManagementProgresive TradePROFIT CINDA LIMITEDBasel MarketsTrade HuzePaxful Financialscrypto-smartchainAMT Futures LimitedAmtop Markets LtdTop-minerBluefoxinvestmentFxCapitalProfitVenus HoldingsHONESTUMZeta Hedge22 PipsProtonForexHFx CryptoFx TradeUKBTCiToroStocksEQUALPROSKranken FxWaterman Bates
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