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تطبيق الاستفسار عن وسطاء الفوركس العالميين
​Gold Finds V-Shaped Rally on Moderna's Vaccine Progress

​Gold Finds V-Shaped Rally on Moderna's Vaccine Progress

The drugmaker Moderna announced on Monday that its coronavirus vaccine was 94.5 percent effective, which greatly boosted risk sentiment. As a result, gold prices shortly plunged $30 but soon rose back above the $1,890 barrier.

With Continuous Rally Gold May Break $1,920 Level

With Continuous Rally Gold May Break $1,920 Level

Biden maintains a lead in the latest general election polls, with a high-level risk appetite in market, resulting in a weakening US dollar and an increasing gold price.

Does Gold’s Downside Bottom Out or Just Start?

Does Gold’s Downside Bottom Out or Just Start?

Prices of gold and silver saw a large retreat four weeks ago just after I published the Negative Points of Buffett’s Buying Gold-Mining Stocks. Trends of precious metals are seemingly simple but yet proved to be tricky.

Gold May Retreat amid Growing COVID-19

Gold May Retreat amid Growing COVID-19

Recently, the US dollar surged at the expense of gold prices. European countries have imposed new restrictions as coronavirus cases come roaring back, which fuels negative sentiment in markets.

Predictions on Gold, Crude Oil and Natural Gas: New Psychological Resistance of 2,000 Dollars for Go

Predictions on Gold, Crude Oil and Natural Gas: New Psychological Resistance of 2,000 Dollars for Go

Last week oil market closed once again with no major news, continuing to fluctuate below $45 a barrel despite production cuts.

Gold Holds Gloomy Outlook amid Price Crash

Gold Holds Gloomy Outlook amid Price Crash

On Monday, gold prices continued retreating in Asian markets while trimming early losses below $1,900 to $1,882 in U.S. markets.

​Gold May Hit New High amid Steady Election Odds

​Gold May Hit New High amid Steady Election Odds

The latest polls show Democratic presidential nominee Biden leads Trump in key states. Nevertheless, the winner remains unclear according to the election odds of the betting company, supporting the risk-oriented gold with uncertainties.

​Gold Price Rebounds with Stability Expected at High

​Gold Price Rebounds with Stability Expected at High

From the start of the week, gold price is little changed compared with last week as it has quickly rallied from the fresh monthly low of $1,907.

Gold this Week: Bullish!

Gold this Week: Bullish!

Gold prices consolidates after hitting a record high ($2,075) in August, but the macroeconomic environment may keep gold afloat.

UBS Sees Gold Soaring to $2,300

UBS Sees Gold Soaring to $2,300

Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) anticipated that gold prices may surge to $2,300/oz soon in the event of an escalation of geopolitical tensions.

How Future Tradings React on Gold’s Interrupted Upside?

How Future Tradings React on Gold’s Interrupted Upside?

Investors better pay attention to changes of future tradings as gold prices are still under the risk of selloff after its slump on Wednesday.

​Surging USD on Tumbling Gold: Rapid Market Reaction to FED Decision

​Surging USD on Tumbling Gold: Rapid Market Reaction to FED Decision

The Fed released its July meeting minutes in the early hours of this morning, which unexpectedly sparked volatility in markets. Consequently, the DXY enjoyed an aggressive growth with gold losing as much as $80.

Where Will Declining Gold Head? Investment Banks Suggest Further Gains

Where Will Declining Gold Head? Investment Banks Suggest Further Gains

Gold prices recorded the biggest loss for seven years this Tuesday, returning markets into anxiety about precious metals. Nevertheless, they are expected to rise again according to Commerzbank.

​Gold Hit 8-year High, How About Its Future Trend?

​Gold Hit 8-year High, How About Its Future Trend?

Global gold price rose by nearly 17% to 1,779.53 USD/oz in the first half of 2020, a 8-year high since October 8, 2012, compared with an annual increase of 18% last year.

The Fear of Epidemic Resurgence Caused Gold to Rise

The Fear of Epidemic Resurgence Caused Gold to Rise

Due to the fear of an epidemic resurgence and a constantly low Fed interest rate, US stocks have witnessed a fatigued late, bringing a strong momentum to the US dollar and meanwhile suppressing the rise in gold price.

Central Banks’ Gold Purchases Decline Will Have Far-reaching Effects

Central Banks’ Gold Purchases Decline Will Have Far-reaching Effects

From WikiFX news. As the world’s top gold buyer, Central Bank of Russia’s decision to stop gold purchase starting from April may signal an upcoming big decline in global central banks’ net gold-purchase.

How gold prices could surge to record high, even as stocks climb: RBC - Business Insider

How gold prices could surge to record high, even as stocks climb: RBC - Business Insider

A lot of market rules have been annihilated in recent months, and RBC says the normal relationship between stocks and gold is one of them.

Coronavirus investing strategy, how to trade next stock market crash - Business Insider

Coronavirus investing strategy, how to trade next stock market crash - Business Insider

History shows that stocks are likely to return to their lows before a full recovery kicks in, the strategists said.

Gold price to hit record $3,000 on central bank stimulus, BofA says - Business Insider

Gold price to hit record $3,000 on central bank stimulus, BofA says - Business Insider

Monetary authorities are spending trillions of dollars to keep economies stable, creating a perfect situation for gold to rally, the analysts said.


Oil price, gold spikes fizzle after Iran attack as escalation fears wane - Business Insider

Gold punched above $1,600 for the first time since 2013, and oil spiked. But the gains fizzled. "They've barely scratched the US," says an analyst.


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