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تطبيق الاستفسار عن وسطاء الفوركس العالميين
Australian Dollar
Australian Dollar Price Chart: AUD/USD Reversal Stalls– Trade Outlook

Australian Dollar Price Chart: AUD/USD Reversal Stalls– Trade Outlook

The Australian Dollar is up more than 2.6% on the back of a five-day rally with price eyeing initial resistance. These are the levels that matter on the AUD/USD charts.

Iron Ore Prices Slide On Trade War Fears, AUD-Watchers Take Note

Iron Ore Prices Slide On Trade War Fears, AUD-Watchers Take Note

Australian Dollar watchers should keep a close eye on iron ore prices. They fell sharply last month, albeit from very high levels

Australian Dollar Ticks Up, China Caixin PMI Flags Surprise Expansion

Australian Dollar Ticks Up, China Caixin PMI Flags Surprise Expansion

The Australian Dollar got a small burst of life on news that Chinas private manufacturing sector did better than its large, state-run partner last month.

Australian Dollar Outlook: AUD/USD & AUD/JPY Eye RBA Meeting

Australian Dollar Outlook: AUD/USD & AUD/JPY Eye RBA Meeting

The September RBA meeting is now 1-week away which sets AUDUSD and AUDJPY back in the spotlight. Where might the Australian Dollar head next?

Australian Dollar Focus Elsewhere as RBA Minutes Stick to Script

Australian Dollar Focus Elsewhere as RBA Minutes Stick to Script

The Australian Dollar market already looks hunkered down for central bankings heavyweights at Jackson Hole later this week. The latest set of RBA minutes were probably always going to struggle for attention.

Australian Dollar Gains Sharply As Job Creation Smashes Forecasts

Australian Dollar Gains Sharply As Job Creation Smashes Forecasts

The Austrailan Dollar spiked upward Thursday as overall new job gains were revealed to have been 41,000 in July, well ahead of the 14,000 markets had expected.

Puzzled By AUD Gains As Rates Fall? Blame the Fed and Iron Ore

Puzzled By AUD Gains As Rates Fall? Blame the Fed and Iron Ore

The Australian Dollar has gained despite big cuts to domestic borrowing costs as investors find other reasons to go long.

AUD Steady, RBA Minutes Show Labor Market Still Key Policy Metric

AUD Steady, RBA Minutes Show Labor Market Still Key Policy Metric

The Australian Dollar market didnt find much to love or hate in the latest RBA policy meeting account. The jobs market remains crucial to further action.

AUD Markets Price In a Third RBA Rate Cut. Will They Get It?

AUD Markets Price In a Third RBA Rate Cut. Will They Get It?

The Reserve Bank of Australia has cut interest rates aggressively even as it has wondered about the effectiveness of such a move.

AUDUSD Gains, RBA Lowe Again Ponders Monetary Easings Limits

AUDUSD Gains, RBA Lowe Again Ponders Monetary Easings Limits

The Australian Dollar got a lift after the RBA Governor pointed to some of the difficulties apparent in a world where everyone is lowering interest rates

AUD Bulls Cant Count on the RBA, But Iron Ore Prices May Slow Its Fall

AUD Bulls Cant Count on the RBA, But Iron Ore Prices May Slow Its Fall

The Australian Dollar will struggle with low interest rates for a long time to come, but rising iron ore prices will counter at least some of their effects.

AUD Market May Find Bar To Deeper Rate Cuts Very High Indeed

AUD Market May Find Bar To Deeper Rate Cuts Very High Indeed

The Australian Dollar market has already seen one rate cut, and its betting on at least one more. It may get that one, but the bar to deeper reductions could be higher than investors think.

Australian Dollar Slides On Building Approvals Miss, RBA Looms

Australian Dollar Slides On Building Approvals Miss, RBA Looms

The Australian Dollar was hit by news that domestic building approvals slumped last month. The chance of lower Australian interest rates last week remains very much in play.

Australian Dollar Wilts On RBA Minutes, Jobless Data Could Be Key

Australian Dollar Wilts On RBA Minutes, Jobless Data Could Be Key

The Australian Dollar faded on the release of minutes showing the RBA apparently in agreement with futures markets on a rate cut being more likely than a rise now

Australian Dollar Dives As Westpac Consumer Confidence Pulls Back

Australian Dollar Dives As Westpac Consumer Confidence Pulls Back

The Australian Dollar has already been hit this week by signs of fading business confidence, now consumers have joined the corporate sector in the doldrums.

Australian Dollar Ticks Up As RBA Holds Rates, Lowe Speech Up Next

Australian Dollar Ticks Up As RBA Holds Rates, Lowe Speech Up Next

The Australian Dollar rose initially after the Official Cash Rate was left on hold at 1.50% as had been very widely expected. RBA Governor Philip

AUD, NZD Up, Yen Down. Trump Delays March China Tariff Hike

AUD, NZD Up, Yen Down. Trump Delays March China Tariff Hike

Risk was back on with a vengeance Monday morning with growth linked currencies gaining on news that a feared step-up in the US/China trade spat

Australian Dollar Ticks Up On China Trade Data, Talks In Focus

Australian Dollar Ticks Up On China Trade Data, Talks In Focus

The Australian Dollar got a small lift from official Chinese trade data which fell into the ‘could have been worse’ category. Exports expanded strongly in


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