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Unverschämte 10-fache Provision und Auszahlung kommen nicht an
1-2 Jahre
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Outrageous 10X Commison and withrawal not arriving
Hi. I will like to request for deep investigation on my complaint and pls kindly approach the issues where necessary. I traded on V5 forex global & was charged outrageously (10times ) the normal charges as commission : Variety: AUDJPY.V Open time: 23/05/2023 12:14:03 Close Time: 23/05/2023 12:14:03 (automatically closes same moment order was placed) Volume : 153900.00 P&L: -8.90 USD Commission: -10202.65 Futhermore, A strange transaction was conducted on my account on 23/05/2023 14:31:21 as systematic deposit , deposited values is (+9190.93, order no 962013768). Currently my account is running at negative closed PL account balance at (-10,202.65$), my previous actual equity of 1,020$ is gone already. All effect to get a dialogue with V5 were all proved abortive, I have actually traded same varieties previously without any issue before this unfaithful day. After all this scenario, I did internal transaction of 46$ left in my Wallet to my main account , i did trading and increases to 50$ , I requested for withdrawal to my Binance , it was approved by V5, today marks 6days now that am still waiting to be credited. I will like a fast response on getting justifications as this issue is extremely glaring enough. Thanks
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