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Micro-Binary-Trades erzielen hohe Gewinne auf der Binarycent-Plattform
1-2 Jahre
Vereinigte Staaten
Micro-Binary Trades Yield Big Profits on Binarycent Platform
I am new to trading and starting with a small initial account balance. I was happy to discover that I could open positions and execute trades on the Binarycent platform for just $0.10 per contract. The other week, I combined a string of $0.10 and $0.25 binary put and call contracts on a few specific commodities and indices that I was analyzing and watching closely for an ideal timed entry point. Despite the incredibly low initial investment on my part, I turned this series of micro-binary contracts into over $100 in total profits on that single well-timed and volatile multi-contract trade setup. It was a major win for me and would never have been possible without Binarycent!
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