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FXPro's Elite Trading Vorteile: Rabatte, niedrige Spreads und Margin Calls für High Roller
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FXPro's Elite Trading Benefits: Rebates, Low Spreads, and Margin Calls for High Rollers
To feel the benefits of FXPro, you really need to be trading with at least 30k USD on account. Thats why they are focused on the big guys, and thats why you have so many of us here. On small or demo account, you get pretty much the same experince as any other broker. Maybe the benefit of more platforms or instruments available inside, but thats pretty much it. When you are in the big leagues, FXPro is a different beast. I get: extra low spreads, including on minor pairs; better option for magin calls; most importantly - rebates for trading, few dollars for every lot. Rebates are small, but with leverage they allow you to essentially lower your spread even more. Experienced traders know how much that can help. If i need to find downside, for me its the margin requirements. They are over-safe, I feel. Especially during big news events, they specifically raise the requirements even more Same with weekends and holidays. I have had brokers that dont do that, allowing easy free wins.
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