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Zusammenfassung:Jeff Bezos unveiled a moon lander at a Blue Origin event on Thursday. Here's what the "Blue Moon" vehicle looks like and what Bezos says it will do.
{1} 亚马逊创始人杰夫贝索斯周四为他的火箭公司Blue Origin推出了一款真人大小的月球着陆器模型被称为“蓝月亮”的车辆旨在向月球表面提供各种有效载荷 - 甚至可能是宇航员。这就是蓝月亮的样子以及贝索斯所说的将会做的事情。访问Business Insider的主页了解更多故事。华盛顿, DC - Jeff Bezos刚刚推出了由他的火箭公司Blue Origin创建的巨型月球着陆车。蓝色月球着陆器被称为灵活的车辆,可以向月球表面提供各种有效载荷 - 也许一个那天甚至是宇航员。该公司表示,最终的目标是帮助在月球上建立“持续的人类存在”。“这是一辆令人难以置信的车辆,它将登上月球,”贝索斯周四下午在华盛顿特区的一次活动中说。 Bezos补充说,Blue Origin在过去三年中一直在开发Blue Moon。 (该公司已经将这种月球着陆器的概念戏弄了大约两年。)Bezos透露的蓝月亮着陆器的型号是用于将基础设施有效载荷传送到月球的版本。这可能包括小型流动站,物资,工具和其他设备。然而,在未来,Bezos表示蓝月亮的一个更强大的变种可能会从一个有人工作的上升模块下降。根据该公司的网站,这个更大的蓝月亮变种“已被设计为登陆上升车辆,将允许我们返回美国人到2024年到月球。”但是,为人们设计的车辆没有在活动中展示。这就是蓝月亮着陆器的外观,以及它可能实现的目标。 {1}{0}{1}
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, unveiled a life-size model of a new moon lander on Thursday for his rocket company, Blue Origin.Called “Blue Moon,” the vehicle is designed to deliver a variety of payloads to the moon's surface — potentially even astronauts.Here's what Blue Moon looks like and what Bezos says it will do.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.WASHINGTON, DC — Jeff Bezos just unveiled a giant lunar-landing vehicle created by his rocket company Blue Origin.The Blue Moon lander, as it's called, is designed to be a flexible vehicle that can deliver a variety of payloads to the moon's surface — perhaps one day even astronauts. The eventual goal, the company says, is to help establish “sustained human presence” on the moon.“This is an incredible vehicle, and it's going to the moon,” Bezos said at an event in Washington, DC, on Thursday afternoon.Bezos added that Blue Origin has been developing Blue Moon over the last three years. (The company had been teasing the idea of such a lunar lander for about two years.)The model of the Blue Moon lander that Bezos revealed is the version designed to carry infrastructure payloads to the moon. That could include small rovers, supplies, tools, and other equipment. In the future, though, Bezos said a more powerful variant of Blue Moon could drop off a crewed ascent module.According to the company's website, this larger variant of Blue Moon “has been designed to land an ascent vehicle that will allow us to return Americans to the moon by 2024.” But a vehicle designed for people was not shown at the event.Here's how the Blue Moon lander is slated to look, and what it might achieve.
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