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48% of respondents said they're experiencing some degree of economic hardship from the coronavirus. Only 28% identified as unaffected.
In a new Insider poll, 72% of Americans said they are experiencing some level of financial hardship due to the coronavirus.
The average monthly student-loan payment is $393 — that could pay off the average household credit-card debt in just over a year.
Lots of candidates went after Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and lots of candidates went out of their way to defend Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Here's why.
Insider's most recent poll found that only 30% of Americans are against impeaching Trump, while a plurality support it.
Insider polling found that 49% of respondents who identified as slightly to very conservative disagreed with 4 states canceling their GOP primaries.
About 51% of respondents would hold Trump responsible if the nation's economy spirals into a recession, a new Insider poll shows.
According to a new Insider poll, Americans are largely in favor of organized labor, from teacher to trade worker unions.
61% of Americans would not pay a cent to buy Greenland and only 29% of people would pay more than the average cost of a used car.
Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper's exit from presidential race means other candidates have an opportunity to win over his supporters.
The 50 governors in the United States earn different annual salaries ranging from $70,000 to $179,000.
51% said national polling is the most important factor for a candidate to qualify for the debates. 21% said a candidate's donor count matters more.
Political gridlock in Washington over how to address ongoing Russian election interference likely means public fears won't be reduced anytime soon.
Almost 20% of likely Democratic voters are uncomfortable with socialism, suggesting Trump's political attacks may be an effective strategy.
Middle class America isn't faring that well — they're behind on homeownership and retirement savings, partly because they're in debt.
The mayor of New York is very well-known nationally, but voters have a dim view of his chances to beat Trump.
You can pay off student loans faster and save money on interest by increasing your monthly payment by as little as $100.
Overall, about 68% of respondents said they either support or strongly support the plan the Loan Shark Prevention Act.
Castro was secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2017, and before that he was mayor of San Antonio.
Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts is known by just 7% of Democratic voters while Sens. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are known by more than 80%.