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Forex trading
STICPAY Integrates MetaTrader 5 to Enhance Trading Payments

STICPAY Integrates MetaTrader 5 to Enhance Trading Payments

STICPAY partners with MetaTrader 5, enabling seamless payments for traders. Discover how this collaboration enhances global e-wallet and trading services.

RoboForex -Overview Guide of This Broker

RoboForex -Overview Guide of This Broker

  Roboforex, the trading name of Roboforex Cy Ltd, is a forex broker that has been around for over a decade and has made a name for itself in the industry. Founded in 2009, Roboforex is based in Belize, and then became a member of the FSCL, launched a negative balance guarantee service, later added CFD instruments, and introduced gold and CNY trading accounts.



OANDA is a well-known online forex broker that has been operating for over two decades. It is headquartered in New York City and is regulated in multiple jurisdictions, including the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Singapore. With a reputation for transparency and reliability, OANDA offers CFD trading on forex, indices, cryptos, commodities, and bonds on TradingView, Oanda mobile, Oanda web, and MT4 platforms.

TP Global FX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

TP Global FX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Established in 2017, TP Global FX is a forex and CFD broker owned and operated by TP Global Services Limited, which is registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines with Number 25274 BC 2019. As an STP (Straight Through Processing) broker, they do not trade against their clients, but rather send their clients' orders directly to liquidity providers. TP Global FX says it offers more than 150 trading instruments through advanced MT4 & MT5 trading platforms, with spreads on major pairs as low as 0.1 pips.

Using Trendlines in Technical Analysis

Using Trendlines in Technical Analysis

Trendlines are a cornerstone of technical analysis, offering traders a visual guide to understanding market movements. By connecting specific price points, such as higher lows in an uptrend or lower highs in a downtrend, trendlines define the market’s trajectory.

Mastering Support and Resistance in Forex Trading Success

Mastering Support and Resistance in Forex Trading Success

Know why support and resistance levels are crucial in Forex trading, the best tools to identify them, and how they impact trading success.

Hidden Forex Fees That Can Drain Your Profits

Hidden Forex Fees That Can Drain Your Profits

Many traders focus on profits when entering the forex market. However, the costs of trading can silently eat into those profits. Brokers often advertise low fees and tight spreads, but hidden costs can add up. Understanding these fees is crucial for managing your trading expenses.

Why Do Some Brokers Block Your Withdrawals?

Why Do Some Brokers Block Your Withdrawals?

Withdrawal issues are among the most frustrating experiences for traders. Many brokers operate smoothly, but some delay or refuse to release funds. These delays can be stressful, especially for traders who rely on timely access to their profits. Understanding why brokers act this way can help you avoid falling victim to such situations.

Woman Scammed Out of RM200,000 in Investment Fraud

Woman Scammed Out of RM200,000 in Investment Fraud

A 54-year-old vegetable trader from Tepoh, Kuala Nerus, was scammed out of RM214,700 after falling for a fraudulent investment scheme advertised on Facebook. The victim was lured by promises of quick, high returns with minimal investment

Why Federal Reserve Announcements Are Important for Forex Traders

Why Federal Reserve Announcements Are Important for Forex Traders

Federal Reserve announcements shape forex markets. Learn how interest rates, policies, and signals impact currency trends and trading strategies.

WhatsApp Channels: Emerging Bridge B/W Clients & Forex Brokers

WhatsApp Channels: Emerging Bridge B/W Clients & Forex Brokers

WhatsApp has over 2 billion active users worldwide, making it the most popular messaging app. Forex brokers are now using WhatsApp Channels as a new way to connect with their clients and enhance communication.

Fundamental Analysis: Navigating Economic Forces in Forex Trading

Fundamental Analysis: Navigating Economic Forces in Forex Trading

How do global events shape forex markets? Explore how fundamental analysis reveals economic forces behind currency trends and complements technical strategies for trading success.

Forex Regulators Around the World: Who’s the Strictest?

Forex Regulators Around the World: Who’s the Strictest?

Forex trading takes place in markets all over the world. Regulators in different countries oversee brokers to ensure fair practices and protect traders. However, not all regulators are the same. Some have much stricter rules than others. Continue reading to discover the most trusted regulators in the financial sector.

What Happens When a Broker Goes Bankrupt?

What Happens When a Broker Goes Bankrupt?

Many trust brokers to hold their funds securely and facilitate their trades. However, when a broker collapses, the situation can become uncertain. Knowing what happens in such cases can help traders prepare and reduce potential losses.

Trading Opportunities During the Lunar New Year: Forex, Commodities, Stocks

Trading Opportunities During the Lunar New Year: Forex, Commodities, Stocks

The Lunar New Year is a time for celebrations in many countries, especially in Asia. It is also a period when markets can see different trends and movements. Traders can use this time to explore new opportunities, especially in forex, commodities, and equities listed on Bursa Malaysia, the stock exchange of Malaysia.

Participate Now in ForexCup Trading Championship

Participate Now in ForexCup Trading Championship

FXOpen announced the trading competition called ForexCup Trading Championship 2025 for traders. You can join, trade, and compete for exciting prizes. Here are the details

What the Movie Margin Call Taught Traders About Risk and Timing

What the Movie Margin Call Taught Traders About Risk and Timing

The 2011 film Margin Call offers a gripping portrayal of the early hours of the 2008 financial crisis, set within a Wall Street investment firm. While the film is a fictionalised account, its lessons resonate strongly with traders and finance professionals. For one trader, watching the film had a lasting impact, shaping how they approached risk, decision-making, and the harsh realities of the financial world.

Why More Traders Are Turning to Proprietary Firms for Success

Why More Traders Are Turning to Proprietary Firms for Success

Over the past decade, one particular avenue has gained significant popularity: proprietary trading, or prop trading. As more traders seek to maximize their earning potential while managing risk, many are turning to proprietary firms for the resources, capital, and opportunities they offer. In this article, we’ll explore why an increasing number of traders are choosing proprietary trading firms as their preferred platform for success.

Day Trading Guide: Key Considerations

Day Trading Guide: Key Considerations

How does day trading balance freedom and precision in fast-moving markets? Learn key strategies to navigate risks and seize intraday opportunities effectively.

AvaTrade Launches Advanced Automated Trading Tools AvaSocial and DupliTrade

AvaTrade Launches Advanced Automated Trading Tools AvaSocial and DupliTrade

AvaTrade launches enhanced automated trading solutions, featuring AvaSocial and DupliTrade for seamless, emotion-free trading. Explore cutting-edge tools today!

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