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Alerta de estafa que esta persona me ha estafado ten cuidado
3-5 años
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Scam alert this person has scammed me be careful
My name is Thando and I was scammed by a man named Morphy. It all started when he messaged me on Instagram, claiming to be a broker accountant. He explained to me that he helps people make R98 000 a week. So since I'm a single parent in desperate need of extra income, I fell for it. He explained to me that I only need to invest R3500, then pay him 5% of profits once I've recieved it. He sent me screenshots of reviews. It all looked legit, so I went to it for it. After paying my investment, he went quite. I tried calling countless times and left him several Messages but I haven't heard from him since then . He deleted his Instagram account , it was like he didn't even exist. I was so stressed out because he told me that I can invest my kids school fees money, by the time I get my payment I will be able to pay for their school fees more money than I expected.
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