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“multibankgroup.xyz” est une fausse bourse qui se fait passer pour Multibank Group.
1-2 ans
Articles originaux
" multibankgroup.xyz " This is a fake exchange impersonating Multibank Group.
multibankgroup.xyzThis is the website of that exchange. I created an account for gold trading through the introduction of a Japanese friend. I started operating according to my friend's instructions, and I made a profit. I tried to withdraw the profit, but I have to pay taxes, I have to pay 20 million won because the withdrawal amount is large, I have to upgrade my account, I have to pay 20 million won because my liquidity is at risk, and I have to pay 30 million won for security level upgrade. For two weeks, they took more than 70 million won from me. The customer center does not provide proper explanations and only demands money, and when I contacted Multibank Group, it turns out they have no relation to Multibank Group at all. My Japanese friend, who initially claimed that it was only a one-time thing, now says he feels sorry for the money I invested and wants to help by depositing 10 million won himself. I'm going crazy. I've already taken out a lot of loans, and I want to catch these scammers. I'm also consulting with a lawyer, and I'm still in contact with this Japanese friend, and the website is still operational. Upon investigation, it seems that the website was created by Sundell Ltd. I've reported them to the FBI now, and I want these guys caught.
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