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It is with great concern that I share my unfortunate experience with FXU Solutions. I and my family suffered a loss of $750,000.00 due to the actions of this company. My agent, in a deceitful move, switched our original server to FXU Solutions with account number 801044, and the consequences were dire. FXU Solutions enticed me with a 100% deposit increase to sign up, only to later cause a crash in my account through their MT5 Platform. Despite being granted VIP status with no commission and 0 spread, the reality was far from favorable. When I opened a trade for 20 lots, the slippage amounted to 214 pips per trade, resulting in a staggering loss of $448,000.00. In just 39 seconds and three trades, I lost a total of $1.3 million. To add insult to my loss, the agent failed to respond and left me in the dark. The official website of FXU Solutions was also non-functional, depriving me of the opportunity to voice my grievances. Even now, although the website is back online, FXU Broker has acknowledged my trade but is refusing to address the issue and has ceased communication with me. This has left me in a constant state of struggle. I urge everyone to steer clear of FXU Solutions based on my harrowing experience.
Trader avec FXU Solutions
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