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समर्थन कचरा हैं। सीईओ भी नहीं देते जवाब
3-5 साल
संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
Support are TRASH. Even the CEO dont reply
After i tried to solve with their support in order for them to proceed with the withdrawal of my inicial deposit of 2000$ i had to go search for their compliance head Joanna Frendo, the payment head Derek Swift and also the ceo Jean-Yves Sireau via Linkedin where i could send them a message regards this situation where they dont want to proceed with the withdrawal and still forcing me to trade in an account with huge slippage. Well their CEO Jean-Yves Sireau didnt even reply when i spoke about the problem. And the payment head Derek Swift where even worse. Well as i can see this company doesnt seems professional nether respectful with their clients. Dont reply messages and in a certain way refused to help a client when he comes to you requestinig their intervention this doesnt seems right to me. Joanna Frendo, head of compliance didnt conect with me yet.
पिछली पोस्ट
बेचने में हेरफेर या
सभी आदेशों के साथ भारी फिसलन
सप्ताह की अधिकांश टिप्पणियाँ
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Envi FX
Giraffe Markets
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