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क्या ये एसी चार्ट्स ने हेरफेर साबित किया है या एसी ने सिर्फ एक गलती की है?
3-5 साल
Does These Acy Charts Proven Manipulation Or Have Acy Just Made A Mistake?
Below is a shot of Acy's data on a 4hour chart." 2 hour bars on a 4 hour chart." REALLYI bar of the two never matches up to any smaller timeframes chart for price in any way. Acy SAY THIS IS NORMAL.Who has ever heard of 2 hour bars on a 4 hour chart anyway.With closer examination it shows 2 different prices happening in the charts at once ,with a 2 to 4hour time lag in these different prices on the 15 min chart.I feel this shows that Acy have been caught manipulating prices red handed.Also Acy have stopped me using proven high end Ea's by changing something in their platform. I was making good money using these ea's. Then all of a sudden the Ea's were denied access to the platform.I have been totally ignored from the start by Acy.Acy also bought my trades when they purchased Synergy FX. Around $40 k worth. Now I have lost the lot. Please look at the charts below. The 15 minute chart cover both timeframes of the 2 hour bars on a four hour chart.
पिछली पोस्ट
ACY Securities
मैंने इससे वापसी के लिए आवेदन कियाACY Securities 23 अप्रैल को और इसे अभी तक श्रेय नहीं दिया गया है।ACY Securities
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