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यह दलाल लोगों को ठग रहा है
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This brokers is scamming people
I met a trader (charlotte_lynettefx’s) in Instagram she said she's from iq option and she publishes lots of marketing material about her trading income and how she helped others to get huge returns for their investment. Following is the conversation I had with her. And I try to invest $10,000 and after a 2 Months I add another $5000 because she told me about this offer. Invest $200 earn $2,120Invest $300 earn $2,900 Invest $400 earn $4,300 Invest $500 earn $5,750 Invest $600 earn $6,100 Invest $700 earn $7,200 Invest $800 earn $8,800 Invest $900 earn $9,000 Invest $1000 earn $10,000 Invest $2000 earn $20,000 Invest $5000 earn $50,000 Invest $10000 earn $100,000Unfortunately I lost contact from her. After a 8 months of trading with her. Can anyone help me to take my money back?
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