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उच्च / गंभीर फिसलन
3-5 साल
High/Severe Slippage
I experienced this issue, not once but twice. At 1st, my SL position got hit even though it was too far, approximately 1:3. When I checked the chart, a very long wick was created in 1min tf. And then I compare it to other platforms, especially TradingView but it hasn't shown any long wick. I didn't mind my 1st encounter because I thought it was a graphical error or due to low volume. But the 2nd time, the same scenario I experienced. And when I checked their chart, It didn't show any long wick created. Then I compare it again to other platforms. I was confused why my SL got hit even though the chart didn't show a long wick candle that causes my SL to triggered. And when I review the history of all market prices of FPG and compared to other platforms, some of their candlesticks got a very long wick. I was so disappointed with this broker. I lost my capital without justice. Please remind them to fix this scam activity. This is so alarming. Please see attached file for proof. Thank you!
पिछली पोस्ट
यह एक शानदार ब्रोकर है! पिछले वाले ने मुझे धोखा दिया है, इसलिए अब मैं अपनी पसंद सावधानी से करता हूं। इस ब्रोकर ने साबित कर दिया है कि यह मेरे फंड की सुरक्षा कर सकता है, और लेन-देन के दौरान कोई समस्या नहीं होगी।
अनुशंसित! टाइट स्प्रेड और त्वरित सेवा भी!
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