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सभी बकवास बहाने के साथ मेरा आदेश बंद करो
3-5 साल
Stop out my order with all the bullshit excuse
Today morning I have deposit 250 usd in my account 78671442,then I got a free credit 250 usd in my account, since last two week I deposit I get the extra 100 percent credit usd is with support margin but until today they told me the 100 percent credit is not support margin anymore, Total I open 5 trade for gold trading today, the first trade that stop out from the broker is because already over the 50 percent of margin this I can accept, but I got another 4 trade in profit suddenly this broker stop out after 4 hour, reason say that is higher margin and give me the fucking excuse say already email told me about this higher margin, from morning until night I diden receive any email, when the broker stop out my another 4 trade that time, my account stil got enough equity and margin to support but the broker say I over margin, I already miss the 360 pips since I morning open the trade and set the tp, please stop using fxpro this broker, cheat and scam
पिछली पोस्ट
मुझे कोई लाभ नहीं हुआ
एफएक्स प्रो तक नहीं पहुंच सकता, क्या यह नीचे है?
सप्ताह की अधिकांश टिप्पणियाँ
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