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निकासी का समय बहुत खराब है।
1-2 साल
Withdrawal Time Is Very Bad.
I have a bad experience with the Withdrawal Time Issue , The Withdrawal time taken by the Titan Company is too much , What if it is emergency sir? Will the company pay for a human life? I’m not talking here only about myself, but also about others who have invested more than 10 Lakhs INR. I think the company should look into this matter and solve the withdrawal time issue. see, Binance release the crypto within 2 Minutes, please do the same with Titan Capital Markets. And again in addition I would like to mention about the issue of buying cryptocurrencies. In India, Normally local people’s doesnot have Master Card or Visa card to buy Crypto, so please introduce new buying system into it. All Indian Users are Familiar with UPI Transaction. And lastly, Upgrade the whole interface of the website or make it familiar as required to the Indian society. Many doesnot understand how to do things. If you need my help I am ready to help. I’m from India. Please Speed up the Withdrawal Process. Make it Two Minute. Upgrade the website into a little fashionable way & also make the structure easy to understand. Change some words that are not understandable by Indian Users. Thank You.
पिछली पोस्ट
निकासी में भी काफी समय लग रहा है
नवीनतम लेखापरीक्षित वित्तीय विवरण आवश्यक
सप्ताह की अधिकांश टिप्पणियाँ
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