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वापस लेने में असमर्थ
1-2 साल
unable to withdraw
My account is 730007. The old account is 308134 of Titan markets limited. Now this company is merged with Yun Shang Hiu Xin limited company. I trade in MT5 and I deposit total money is 1408 $and tax of 566 $. I make profit and now total amount is 2831 $. The CS asked me to deposit tax of 566 $ while I fill withdraw form. After deposit the tax CS say you trade many times in a single day and you are using illegal software for trade and making profit. While I am using MT5 for trade. They must be have all my trading data. And now CS asking me to deposit more 500$ for inspection. CS say company will inspect your trade and data for trading many times in a single day. While this is not a rules in trading to trade limited times. They are doing cheating with me for not giving my withdrawal. .Now they add 100$ in my trade balance as it’s total is 2931. but mine is 2831. but not withdrawing my money and also not replying my messages. Titan link is not working.
पिछली पोस्ट
लॉग इन निषिद्ध
वे पैसा नहीं निकालते हैं
सप्ताह की अधिकांश टिप्पणियाँ
Duhani Capital
GOC Prime
Pocket Option
Skyline Trading
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