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1-2 साल
We can't withdraw and no contacts with them anymore
On the first time we enter in v5 forex global, we really don't know that they are scammers. They treated as a friend and trust worthy. We did not expect this gonna happen. We really want to give us back out money. It really cause us stress and depression because of that our money disappear, we have family and it comes there is an emergency of one of our team but sadly he can't withdraw his money anymore because of v5 forex global some people suffer on what they do to us. The person I sent from that photo she is the one who recruit us. She have many names, Jiang Lan Xin but she told us that her name is Ada. She work in Ayala makati before with some filipino people.
पिछली पोस्ट
V5 फोरेक्स ने मुझे धोखा दिया
मैं ट्रेडिंग ऐप्स या वेबसाइट या किसी में भी लॉग इन नहीं कर सकता।
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