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वे धोखेबाज हैं
1 साल के अंदर
संयुक्त अरब अमीरात
they Are scammers
I have been trying to withdraw for almost a 2 weeks , they have given me all the excuses in the world I had to make a deposit with all what I got as they promised me that my account is a VIP account and the withdrawal doesn’t take more than a day I am literally broke and begging for my money back as per their app my account has over 30k $ and not even able to get a single dollar out of it they don’t fear God and they uses the name of Allah in their talk only to drag you down I have given them the benefit of doubt and keep saying they might have a shitty company like where I work I wish people make their researches before they invest I have deposited almost 10k$ and once before when I asked for a transfer of 300$ they reversed from my Money please don’t repeat my mistake imagine all of this money and I am unable to submit a withdrawal request as per their account manager he raised the request for me, complete nonsense may Allah help me with all of this loss
पिछली पोस्ट
जेनस्टॉक्स खाता रबीह हन्ना फ़ाइल नंबर 11188215
जेनस्टॉक्स से सतर्क रहें - एक धोखाधड़ी ऐप। मेरे पास एक बहुत बुरा अनुभव हुआ।
सप्ताह की अधिकांश टिप्पणियाँ
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