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Rich Smart: ASIC नियामित ब्रोकर, 1:500 लीवरेज और शून्य स्प्रेड स्टार्ट्स के साथ
6-10 साल
संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
Rich Smart Review: ASIC Regulation, 1:500 Leverage, Zero Spread Starts, FastPay Surprise
Hey there, seasoned trader speaking. Just wanted to put word out there for this New Zealand diamond in the rough - Rich Smart. Big tick on the ASIC regulation, gives me that nice fuzzy peace of mind. Now, the maximum leverage they provide, especially on Forex trades, we're talking 1:500 ratio, it's no joke! The spreads they offer on the ECN account starts from ground zero, couldn't ask for a better start. They've eased the money in, money out process with payment methods like FastPay - didn't expect to see that but well done Rich Smart. Now, education tools are not their strongest suit, but what they lack there, they make up elsewhere. It's been a trip and I'd say, well worth the ride.
पिछली पोस्ट
RichSmart: अमेरिकी लोगों के लिए शीर्ष FX ब्रोकर, ECN खाता और सच्चे रॉ स्प्रेड्स के साथ
Rich Smart के साथ तेजी से व्यापार करें: ASIC सुरक्षा, शून्य स्प्रेड ECN और Tether भुगतान
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