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IQCent के कॉपी-टूल के साथ बदलती ट्रेडिंग: नए गेंद, निष्क्रियता शुल्क की चिंताएं
1 साल के अंदर
संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
Transformed Trading with IQCent's Copy-Tool: Rookie Gains, Inactivity Fee Concerns
I have greatly benefited from using a copy-trading tool from IQCent and it has completely changed my performance. Now, after becoming a member, I can copy the successful strategies of these traders. It doesn't even matter that I've reflected $4,000 over 6 months of doing nothing. Copy trading itself is an easy way for me, the newbie trader, to gain from advanced-level trading techniques and skills. The only problem that I cannot agree with is the practice of charging inactivity fees within the first two months if the trade account remains dormant. However, it has also been quite rewarding for the industry.
पिछली पोस्ट
तेजी से निकासी और रोमांचक ट्रेडिंग प्रतियोगिताएं: एक ब्रोकरेज गेम-चेंजर
लाइटनिंग-फास्ट विथड्रॉल: IQCent के 1 घंटे के भुगतान की वास्तविकता साबित हुई
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