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एब्स्ट्रैक्ट:The investment was led by 23 Capital and it includes Soros Fund Management LLC, the Wall Street Journal reported.
{1} 数字新闻公司Vice Media,其反文化杂志开始变成一家全球性的媒体集团,据报道又筹集了一轮资金,据“华尔街日报”报道,“媒体报”周五报道,一群投资者筹集了2.5亿美元的债务。在2017年12月纽约时报之后,前首席执行官兼联合创始人沙恩史密斯辞职后,南希杜布克接任董事长。报告指控性骚扰和有毒文化.Dubuc专注于使Vice Media盈利,其策略更少关注数字媒体,更多关注电视和电影制作以及品牌内容。访问Business Insider的主页以获取更多故事.Vice Media,the据“华尔街日报”报道,数字新闻集团的反文化杂志初期已经转变为一家专注于全球的媒体集团,据报道已经筹集了另一轮资金.Vice Media从中筹集了2.5亿美元的债务。 “投资集团”由23 Capital牵头,包括索罗斯基金管理有限责任公司,索罗斯先生的投资基金,以及Fortress投资集团有限责任公司和梦露资本,“该杂志周五报道。3月,Variety报道副媒体正在寻求筹集大约2亿美元用于赚取利润。根据Variety的数据,与其他数字新闻机构(包括BuzzFeed)一样,Vice Media在2018年底宣布其员工人数减少了10%至15% - 约为250人。与2017年相比,2017年收入停滞不前;据”华尔街日报“报道,该公司预计将投入6亿至6.5亿美元。更多内容:华为,中国科技巨头卷入争议,刚刚超越苹果成为第二大智能手机制造商CEO Nancy Dubuc继前任首席执行官后接任继2017年12月纽约时报报道指控性骚扰和有毒文化后,联合创始人谢恩史密斯于2018年3月辞职。史密斯仍然担任该公司的执行主席。杜布克该公司致力于通过一种更少关注数字媒体,更多关注电视,电影制作和品牌内容的战略,使Vice Media盈利。据”华尔街日报报道,她专注于Virtue,它是内部广告代理商.Vice拥有自己的新闻频道,Viceland,并与HBO达成协议,制作夜间新闻节目。媒体公司此前已筹集了14亿美元的资金。多样化。 Vice Media没有立即回复Business Insider的评论请求。 {1}{0}{1}
Vice Media, the digital news outfit, whose counterculture magazine beginnings have morphed into a globally focused media conglomerate, reportedly raised another round of funding, according to The Wall Street Journal.Vice Media raised $250 million in debt from a group of investors, The Journal reported on Friday.CEO Nancy Dubuc took over after former CEO and cofounder Shane Smith stepped down March 2018, following a December 2017 New York Times report alleging sexual harassment and a toxic culture.Dubuc is focused on making Vice Media profitable with a strategy that focuses less on digital media and more on television and film-production and branded content.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Vice Media, the digital news outfit, whose counterculture magazine beginnings have morphed into a globally-focused media conglomerate, reportedly raised another round of funding, according to The Wall Street Journal.Vice Media raised $250 million in debt from a group of investors “led by 23 Capital and includes Soros Fund Management LLC, Mr. Soros's investment fund, as well as Fortress Investment Group LLC and Monroe Capital,” The Journal reported on Friday.In March, Variety reported Vice Media was seeking to raise roughly $200 million as it works toward turning a profit. At the end of 2018, Vice Media, like other digital news organizations including BuzzFeed, announced it was shrinking its workforce between 10 and 15% — which was around 250 people, according to Variety.Its 2017 revenue was stagnant compared to 2016; the company was projected to make between $600 and $650 million, The Journal reported last year.Read more: Huawei, the Chinese tech giant embroiled in controversy, just overtook Apple to become the second-largest smartphone makerCEO Nancy Dubuc took over after former CEO and cofounder Shane Smith stepped down in March 2018, following a December 2017 New York Times report alleging sexual harassment and a toxic culture. Smith is still with the company as executive chairman.Dubuc is focused on making Vice Media profitable with a strategy that focuses less on digital media and more on television, film production, and branded content. The Journal reported she is focusing on Virtue, it's in-house ad agency.Vice has both its own news channel, Viceland, and a deal with HBO to produce a nightly news program.The media company has previously raised $1.4 billion in funding, according to Variety. Vice Media did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment.
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