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एब्स्ट्रैक्ट:My position and the money that I deposited into Cooper Markets was blown to dust!
My position and the money that I deposited into Cooper Markets was blown to dust! There was some serious slippage that happened! They purposely liquidated my position to take my money away from me! If it was due to Major News Event, I would‘ve not made any complaint. Only Cooper Market’s price chart were being Dipped during the slippage happened
This is the chart price of Cooper Markets and proof of my trading history.
As you can see in the pictures above, I did set my Stop Loss and Take Profit, but still my position were wiped out. It seems like Im not the only that is facing this issue, I saw many more people regarding the same issue.
I went ahead and asked Cooper Market‘s Customer Service on what happened, they claimed that it is Liquidity Provider’s Fault. And they send me an email
So I asked Cooper Markets Liquidity Provider, two of them send me an email saying that they have never ever work or cooperate with Cooper Markets up to date.
This is the email that I received from Cooper Markets Liquidity Provider.
I received some info from a friend of mine that Cooper Market has moved office from their registered location on their website, Im not entirely sure about this. I was very upset that this thing happened to me.
I went onto WikiFX App and searched Cooper Market on their app, and the score is 5.90. I thought the score was safe enough to open an account with them, but I was completely wrong. Hopefully this can be a lesson for Begginers or Old Timers to always stay cautious before opening an account with any Brokers. Please be aware of the risk!
There are so many forex scams in the market! Download WikiFX APP to check whether your broker is regulated and has a good reputation. If you are cheated, use the “Exposure” function to report scammers now!
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