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nota: poiché LXM sito ufficiale (https://www. LXM non è accessibile durante la stesura di questa introduzione, è possibile ottenere solo una comprensione superficiale da Internet.
Informazioni generali e regolamento
LXM, nome commerciale di LXM Finance LLP , è presumibilmente una società finanziaria autorizzata e regolamentata dalla fca nel Regno Unito con numero di registrazione 539518 e fondata nel 2010 come agenzia di intermediazione azionaria. il broker afferma di fornire ai clienti istituzionali e aziendali una vasta gamma di servizi.
LXMpubblicizza che offre principalmente servizi di investment banking, finanza aziendale, gestione del debito, ricerca e intermediazione su mercati liquidi e illiquidi. il broker era un'agenzia di intermediazione azionaria, ma ora serve un'ampia rete di banche, fondi, family office e società dagli uffici di londra, new york e atene.
Servizio Clienti
LXMs l'assistenza clienti può essere contattata per telefono: +44 20 7201 7555, fax: 020 7201 8028, e-mail: reception@ LXM inoltre, puoi anche seguire questo broker su alcune piattaforme di social media come twitter e linkedin. indirizzo dell'azienda: 21 knightsbridge, londra, grande londra inghilterra, sw1y 5jg.
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Installa ora
Hong Kong
In the early August,I took a chance to added the assistant,who gave me the account and password to have lessons in the live-broadcasting room.One of the teacher gave lessons on stocks.And another teacher depicted that they were keen on charity and asked us to donate 10% of the profit to the person in poverty.I felt that the two teachers were reliable since they kept giving lessons every day.In early September,the teacher said that the stock market was not optimistic and asked us to withdraw the fund to trade forex.It was said that it could bring fast profits,with the leverage of 1:100,one could make big money by small fund.He said that he had profited largely in the forex and gold,with rich experience.The return was to donate 10% to the charity.The trading fund was at least $30000.Eventually,I made a loss of 310 thousand RMB.
Hong Kong
In early August, having seen someone recommending stock trading, I added the assistant and obtained the account and password.In the live-broadcasting room, a teacher taught us stock knowledge at first.Then a teacher claimed that they were doing charity and asked us to donate 10% of the profit to person in dilemma.Their going lengths to give lessons has acquired our trust.In early September, saying that the stock market was volatile, the teacher recommend us the forex trading with 300% profit.They claimed that, through 1:100 leverage and experienced trader, we could make money more fast.He asked us to deposit $30000 at least. As a result, we made a loss of 310000RMB within 5 days.
Hong Kong
In this August,I was pulled into a stock exchange group, in which there were teachers shared and analyzed some stocks.Having observed for while,I found that he was professional and his recommended stocks were on rise mostly.I also bought some shares with gains and losses.Then we got used to each other.Half month later,he recommended digital currency,saying that the stock market was not optimistic.He said that a new MAW would be on the market, and we could profit more than 5 fold as long as we draw the lucky number,showing his account in the group.Many members claimed to follow him.Then he recommended us LXG platform.I hesitated at first.Having seen so many members profiting,I joined in and deposited 300000 RMB!With teacher’s instruction,we profited more than 50000 RMB within a week.Then the teacher asked us to add fund for the becoming cocking market.I added another 300000 RMB for trading.Though making losses in the preliminary,I trusted him.Because of the overnight slump,I only had 100000 RMB left.I wanted to make a withdrawal to recover the loss,while the customer service kept holding off !I felt something wrong and argued with the teacher,but he removed me off the group and blamed the loss on me,keeping asking me to add fund.After I refused his proposal,he never reply to me,st which time I realized that I’ve been cheated!
AVVISO TRUFFA!!! Non innamorarti di questa truffa! Stai lontano da loro perché è una truffa. Ignorano tutte le richieste di prelievo, rimborso e chiusura dell'account. Avrei davvero voluto controllare le loro condizioni normative prima di dare i miei soldi a queste persone disgustose.