In quanto piattaforma indipendente di servizi di informazione di terze parti, WikiFX si impegna a fornire agli utenti servizi completi e obiettivi di richiesta di informazioni normative sui rivenditori. WikiFX non partecipa direttamente ad alcuna attività di trading in valuta estera, né fornisce alcuna forma di raccomandazione sui canali di trading o consulenza sugli investimenti. La valutazione dei trader di WikiFX si basa su informazioni oggettive provenienti da canali pubblici e tiene pienamente conto delle differenze nelle politiche normative nei diversi paesi e regioni. Le valutazioni dei trader sono il prodotto principale di WikiFX. Ci opponiamo fermamente a qualsiasi pratica commerciale che possa danneggiarne l'obiettività e l'imparzialità e accogliamo con favore la supervisione e i suggerimenti degli utenti di tutto il mondo. Numero verde per le segnalazioni:
Top 10 Trading Indicators Every Forex Trader Should Know

Top 10 Trading Indicators Every Forex Trader Should Know

Master the top 10 Forex trading indicators to analyze real-time Forex quotes, trends, and market signals. Learn strategies to boost accuracy and avoid mistakes.

Notizie 2024-12-22 08:00
Geopolitical Events: What They Are & Their Impact?

Geopolitical Events: What They Are & Their Impact?

You've heard many times that geopolitical events have a significant impact on the Forex market. But do you know what geopolitical events are and how they affect the FX market? Let us learn about it today.

Notizie 2024-12-21 08:30
Why Do You Feel Scared During Trade Execution?

Why Do You Feel Scared During Trade Execution?

Trade execution is a pivotal moment for traders. It is when analysis turns into action, and potential profits or losses become reality. However, for many traders, this moment is accompanied by fear. Why does this happen, and how can you address it?

Notizie 2024-12-21 08:00

Volkswagen agrees deal to avoid Germany plant closures

VW and a union have, however, agreed to cut more than 35,000 jobs across the country by 2030.

settore 2024-12-20 20:40
'Young investors make investment decisions impulsively to keep up with current trends' FCA Reveals

'Young investors make investment decisions impulsively to keep up with current trends' FCA Reveals

FCA reveals that young investors are making important investment decisions in a matter of hours, rather than taking the time to check out whether the product is right for them in the long-term.

Notizie 2024-12-20 19:04
Malaysian Influencer Detained in Taiwan Over Alleged Role in Fraud Scheme

Malaysian Influencer Detained in Taiwan Over Alleged Role in Fraud Scheme

Malaysian influencer Hu Chang Mun, widely known as Ady Hu, has been detained in Taiwan for his alleged involvement in a fraudulent operation. The 31-year-old, who was reported missing earlier in December, was located by Taiwanese authorities after suspicions arose regarding his activities.

Notizie 2024-12-20 18:48
Couple Arrested in Songkhla for 800M Baht Investment Scams

Couple Arrested in Songkhla for 800M Baht Investment Scams

Authorities in Thailand have apprehended a Malaysian man and his Thai wife for their alleged involvement in a series of fraudulent investment schemes that inflicted financial damage amounting to 800 million baht.

Notizie 2024-12-20 18:46
Scope Markets Review: Trustworthy or Risky?

Scope Markets Review: Trustworthy or Risky?

Established in 2014 and regulated in multiple jurisdictions, Scope Markets is a part of the Rostro Group, a leading fintech and financial services provider. Scope Markets provides access to over 40,000 financial instruments, including equities, forex, commodities, and indices through popular powerful trading platforms like MT4, MT5, CQG, IRESS, and Bloomberg.

Notizie 2024-12-20 18:31
WikiEXPO Global Expert Interview: Simone Martin—— Exploring Financial Regulation Change

WikiEXPO Global Expert Interview: Simone Martin—— Exploring Financial Regulation Change

In the midst of financial innovation and regulation, WikiGlobal, the organizer of WikiEXPO, stays abreast of industry trends and conducts a series of insightful and distinctive interviews on pivotal topics. We are delighted to have the privilege of inviting Simone Martin for an in-depth conversation this time.

Notizie 2024-12-20 16:27
Warning: Four Illegal Websites You Need to Avoid

Warning: Four Illegal Websites You Need to Avoid

Pay attention!!! CONSOB, Italy's regulator, has issued a warning to four unauthorized websites.

Esposizione 2024-12-20 15:43
MultiBank Group Wins Big at Traders Fair Hong Kong 2024

MultiBank Group Wins Big at Traders Fair Hong Kong 2024

Discover how MultiBank Group, a global leader in financial derivatives, secured three prestigious awards at Traders Fair Hong Kong 2024, highlighting its innovative trading solutions and industry excellence.

Notizie 2024-12-20 15:19
CySEC Settles Compliance Case with Fxview Operator Charlgate Ltd

CySEC Settles Compliance Case with Fxview Operator Charlgate Ltd

Discover how CySEC resolved compliance issues with Charlgate Ltd, the operator of Fxview, through a €50,000 settlement. Explore the investigation, regulatory measures, and CySEC's new website designed for improved accessibility and transparency.

Notizie 2024-12-20 14:33
TradingView Launches Liquidity Analysis Tool DEX Screener

TradingView Launches Liquidity Analysis Tool DEX Screener

Discover TradingView's DEX Screener, a powerful tool for analyzing decentralized exchange trading pairs. Access metrics like liquidity, trading volume, and FDV to make smarter, data-driven trading decisions.

Notizie 2024-12-20 13:51
WikiFX Review: Is PU Prime a decent broker?

WikiFX Review: Is PU Prime a decent broker?

In today’s article, we have made a comprehensive review of a broker named PU Prime. We wonder if PU Prime is a scam or a reliable broker.

Notizie 2024-12-19 18:26
Doo Financial Expands Reach with Indonesian Regulatory Licenses

Doo Financial Expands Reach with Indonesian Regulatory Licenses

PT. Doo Financial Futures, a subsidiary of the global financial services brand Doo Group, has secured regulatory approval from Indonesia’s Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI).

Notizie 2024-12-19 17:59
Investment Scams in Malaysia: Telegram Tops Scammers’ List

Investment Scams in Malaysia: Telegram Tops Scammers’ List

In the first 11 months of 2024, Malaysia recorded 5,685 investment scams, with Telegram emerging as the most commonly used platform for fraudulent activities.

Notizie 2024-12-19 17:55
CFI Partners with MI Cape Town, Cricket Team

CFI Partners with MI Cape Town, Cricket Team

CFI, a leading financial services provider, announced its partnership with the MI Cape Town cricket team. This exciting collaboration marks a significant milestone for both organizations, as they come together to promote excellence, teamwork, and community engagement.

Notizie 2024-12-19 17:30
What Are The Common Types of Unregulated Forex Brokers?

What Are The Common Types of Unregulated Forex Brokers?

Protect your investments from unregulated forex brokers with these tips. Learn about red flags, scams, and how the WikiFX app ensures safe trading experiences worldwide.

Notizie 2024-12-19 16:43
Is Bell Potter Safe or a Scam? Complete Review

Is Bell Potter Safe or a Scam? Complete Review

Based in Australia, Bell Potter Securities is a full-service internet trading broker offering various financial instruments. It launched in 2015 and has been at the forefront of the e-commerce space ever since. Currency, indices, metals, equities, and commodities are the primary focus areas of Bell Potter Securities, which also has a highly regarded and feature-rich trading platform.

Notizie 2024-12-19 14:49
CySEC Launches Redesigned Website Packed with New Features

CySEC Launches Redesigned Website Packed with New Features

CySEC unveils a redesigned website with advanced search tools, centralized resources, and a news section, enhancing accessibility, transparency, and user experience.

Notizie 2024-12-19 14:01

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