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US CPI Data Sparks Market Rebound

US CPI Data Sparks Market Rebound

After the release of the U.S. December CPI data, the market responded positively, with all three major stock indices rising. Investors' expectations for a Fed rate cut increased, providing support for assets such as gold and oil.

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Prosperi Academy Faces ASA Ruling Over Misleading Advertising

Prosperi Academy Faces ASA Ruling Over Misleading Advertising

The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruled against Prosperi Academy’s ad for misleading investment claims, urging transparency and accountability.

Notizie In a week
Forex Price Trend Prediction! | Come be a New Year Price Winner!

Forex Price Trend Prediction! | Come be a New Year Price Winner!

Become a New Year Price Winner by predicting the fluctuations of Forex!

Notizie In a week
Bitget PH Expands Cryptocurrency Payment Options for Users

Bitget PH Expands Cryptocurrency Payment Options for Users

Bitget Philippines expands cryptocurrency payments with BGB-powered Bitget Pay and Card, offering rebates, lower fees, token burns, and enhanced security for users worldwide.

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Forex Price Trend Prediction:Come be a New Year Price Winner!

Forex Price Trend Prediction:Come be a New Year Price Winner!

Become a New Year Price Winner by predicting the fluctuations of Forex!

Notizie In a week
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol's Arrest Shakes Markets

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol's Arrest Shakes Markets

President Yoon Suk Yeol's arrest impacts South Korean markets, currency, and global investments, raising concerns about economic stability and investor confidence.

Notizie In a week
UBS Shut Its Representative Office in the Philippines

UBS Shut Its Representative Office in the Philippines

UBS AG shuts its Philippine representative office amid evolving banking strategies. Learn why foreign banks are exiting the Philippines and the impact of the UBS-Credit Suisse merger.

Notizie In a week
Robinhood Charged by SEC Over Rule Violations

Robinhood Charged by SEC Over Rule Violations

The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) announced that two firms of Robinhood, Robinhood Securities LLC and Robinhood Financial LLC, have agreed to pay $45 million in penalties to settle several charges related to their brokerage activities.

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Cryptocurrency Scam Wipes Out Retiree's Savings of RM9.5 Million

Cryptocurrency Scam Wipes Out Retiree's Savings of RM9.5 Million

A 63-year-old retired engineer from Johor has lost RM9.5 million in a cryptocurrency scam. He was misled by an online advertisement that promised high returns on Bitcoin investments in July 2024.

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Police Dismantle Online Investment Scam Hub in Johor

Police Dismantle Online Investment Scam Hub in Johor

Authorities in Johor, Malaysia, have dismantled an alleged online investment scam, arresting seven individuals during a raid in Taman Ekoflora on 13 January. The suspects, aged between 18 and 41, had reportedly turned an apartment into a base for their fraudulent activities.

Notizie In a week
What Every Trader Must Know in a Turbulent Market

What Every Trader Must Know in a Turbulent Market

The global financial markets are no strangers to periods of uncertainty, and recent weeks have been a testament to their unpredictable nature. Heightened volatility across major indices, including the US stock market, has left traders reassessing their strategies as they face both opportunities and risks.

Notizie In a week
RCBC and GCash Team Up to Offer Collateral-Free Loans

RCBC and GCash Team Up to Offer Collateral-Free Loans

RCBC and GCash launch Pasado Loan for Filipinos. Borrow ₱30,000–₱500,000 with no collateral, low interest, and fast approval via GCash.

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5 FX Brokers Actively Engage in CSR

5 FX Brokers Actively Engage in CSR

You may have seen headlines, "This or that broker helped flood victims; donate xyz amount to improve people's health. This broker made huge donations to so & so organization." But have you ever wondered why forex brokers are involved in such activities and spend their money on people, society, and the environment?

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BlackRock Introduces Bitcoin ETF to Expand Crypto Investments in Canada

BlackRock Introduces Bitcoin ETF to Expand Crypto Investments in Canada

BlackRock launches iShares Bitcoin ETF on Cboe Canada (IBIT/IBIT.U), offering secure, cost-effective Bitcoin exposure for Canadian investors.

Notizie In a week
SEC Lawsuit Claims Elon Musk Cheated Twitter Shareholders Out of $150 Million

SEC Lawsuit Claims Elon Musk Cheated Twitter Shareholders Out of $150 Million

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed a lawsuit alleging that Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of Tesla and SpaceX, cheated Twitter shareholders out of more than $150 million by delaying the disclosure of his growing stake in the company as he prepared to launch a takeover bid.

Notizie In a week
WikiFX Review: Something You Need to Know About MIFX

WikiFX Review: Something You Need to Know About MIFX

WikiFX created a comprehensive review to help you better understand this broker named MIFX. We will analyze its reliability based on specific information, regulations, etc. Let’s get into it.

Esposizione In a week
Italy’s Largest Bank Intesa Sanpaolo Enters Cryptocurrency Market

Italy’s Largest Bank Intesa Sanpaolo Enters Cryptocurrency Market

Intesa Sanpaolo buys €1M in Bitcoin, its first crypto move in Italy while still in debates about reducing crypto tax from 42% to 28%.

Notizie In a week
XRP Price Rises 5% Amid Positive ETF and SEC Developments

XRP Price Rises 5% Amid Positive ETF and SEC Developments

XRP price surges 5% with bullish ETF inflows, Ripple SEC updates, $2.90 resistance target, JP Morgan forecasts, and crypto donation efforts. Read the latest XRP news.

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Clearstream Opens Euro Channel to Connect Romanian Bond Market

Clearstream Opens Euro Channel to Connect Romanian Bond Market

Clearstream expands access to Romanian bonds, enhancing international investment opportunities through Euro-denominated instruments and streamlined settlement services.

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Misleading Bond Sales Practices: BMO Capital Markets Fined Again by SEC

Misleading Bond Sales Practices: BMO Capital Markets Fined Again by SEC

BMO Capital Markets faces another SEC penalty, adding to its history of regulatory scrutiny and financial sanctions.

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