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요약:Facebook has previously been in hot water with Australia's tax authority and was ordered to pay $21.8 million in 2017 following an audit.
Facebook raked in over $420 million in sales in Australia last year, but paid just $8.3 million in taxes — roughly 2% — to Australia's tax authority.According to the Facebook's tax returns, seen by the Sydney Morning Herald, the company paid $AU455 million ($320 million) to overseas subsidiaries for “the purchase of advertising inventory,” though the report did not provide additional detailsConcerns have been raised in the past about multinational companies shifting around their fiances in order to avoid company taxes, leading to the passage of legislation in Australia last year to narrow the opportunity for tax avoidance by multinational enterprises.Facebook has been in hot water with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) in the past, and last year the company was ordered to pay $AU42 million ($29.5 million) in taxes as a result of a settlement with the office following an audit. Facebook raked in over $420 million in sales in Australia last year, but paid just $8.3 million in taxes — roughly 2% — to Australia's tax authority.According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the company's local operations made $AU598 million ($420 million) last year, mostly from advertising.The Herald also reported that the company paid $AU455 million ($320 million) to overseas subsidiaries for “the purchase of advertising inventory.”In 2018, the company recorded a net revenue of just $AU125 million ($88 million) and $AU35 million ($24.6 million) in profit before taxes. It paid $AU11.8 million ($8.3 million) in company taxes.Concerns have been raised in the past about multinational companies shifting around their finances in order to avoid company taxes, leading to the passage of legislation in Australia last year to narrow the opportunity for tax avoidance by multinational enterprises.Read more: The $5 billion fine Facebook expects to pay the FTC is a joke — on all of usFacebook has been in hot water with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) in the past over misrepresented taxes. Last year, the company paid $AU42 million ($29.5 million) in taxes as a result of a $AU31 million ($21.8 million) one-off settlement with the ATO, following an audit of its taxes between 2009 and 2016. In 2016, the company paid just $AU3.2 million ($2.2 million) in taxes, the Herald reported. Facebook may also be facing fines from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for consumer privacy violations of $3 billion to $5 billion. The company has set aside $3 billion, according to its earnings report released this month, which lowered its disclosed earnings for the period.The FTC reportedly began investigating Facebook in 2018 following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which revealed the widespread mishandling of user data on the site. Facebook has also had several massive privacy breaches in recent years, including a massive hack which left the personal information of 30 million users exposed. Business Insider's Rob Price reported this month that the company also uploaded the email contact information of 1.5 million new users without informing them or seeking consent.Business Insider contacted Facebook for comment and will update as necessary.
Facebook去年在澳大利亚的销售额超过4.2亿美元,但仅向澳大利亚的税务机关支付了830万美元的税金 - 大约2%。根据悉尼晨报先锋所见的Facebook的纳税申报表,该公司向海外子公司支付了4.55亿澳元(3.2亿美元)用于“购买广告库存”,尽管该报告没有提供额外的细节过去曾提出过关于跨国公司为了避免公司税而改变其财务状况的关注。导致去年澳大利亚立法通过,以缩小跨国企业避税的机会.Facebook过去与澳大利亚税务局(ATO)一直处于热水中,去年公司被要求支付AU42在审计后与办事处达成和解,导致百万(2950万美元)的税收。 Facebook去年在澳大利亚的销售额超过4.2亿美元,但仅向澳大利亚的税务机关支付了830万美元的税金 - 大约2%。根据悉尼先驱晨报,该公司的本地业务最后获得了5.98亿澳元(4.2亿美元)。该公司还报告说,该公司向海外子公司支付了4.55亿澳元(3.2亿美元)用于“购买广告库存”。2018年,该公司的净收入仅为1.25亿澳元(8800万美元)。 )和税前利润为3,500万澳元(2460万美元)。它支付了1180万澳元(830万美元)的公司税。过去已经提出过关于跨国公司为了避免公司税而改变财务状况的担忧,导致去年澳大利亚立法通过以缩小机会跨国企业避税。更多信息:Facebook预计向FTC支付的50亿美元罚款是一个笑话 - 对我们所有人说,过去,由于澳大利亚税务局(ATO)对税收的误导,税款一直处于热水中。去年,该公司支付了4200万澳元(29.5万美元)在2009年至2016年对税收进行审计之后,由于与ATO达成了一笔3100万澳元(2180万美元)的一次性和解,因此纳税。2016年,该公司仅支付了320万澳元(220万美元)据“先驱报”报道,在税收方面。 Facebook也可能因美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)因违反30亿至50亿美元的消费者隐私而面临罚款。根据本月公布的财报显示,该公司已拨出30亿美元,该报告降低了该期间的披露收益。据报道,在剑桥分析公司丑闻曝光后,FTC在2018年开始对Facebook进行调查。现场。 Facebook近年来也发生了几次大规模的隐私泄露事件,其中包括大规模的黑客攻击,这使得3000万用户的个人信息暴露无遗。 Business Insider的Rob Price本月报道该公司还上传了150万新用户的电子邮件联系信息,但未通知他们或寻求同意.Business Insider联系Facebook征求意见,并将根据需要进行更新。
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