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Investment Scam
Filipinos Rescued from Scam Operation in Cambodia

Filipinos Rescued from Scam Operation in Cambodia

Three Filipinos rescued from forced scam operations in Cambodia, after being deceived into working there under false promises of high salary.

Woman Loses $1.2 Million in Police Impersonation Scam

Woman Loses $1.2 Million in Police Impersonation Scam

A woman falls victim to a scam where impersonators claimed to be officers from the Anti-Scam Centre, stealing $1.2 million over two months.

Online Investment Scams on the Rise: How Two Victims Lost Over RM100K

Online Investment Scams on the Rise: How Two Victims Lost Over RM100K

Authorities in Johor are investigating two online investment scams that have left victims including a teacher and a surveyor, losing a significant total of RM102,024

Vanished Savings: How One Woman Lost RM412,443 to an Online Scam

Vanished Savings: How One Woman Lost RM412,443 to an Online Scam

A 58-year-old Malaysian housewife lost her savings of RM412,443 after falling prey to an online investment scam between January and March this year.

A New Form of Scam "Smishing" Raises Significant Issues

A New Form of Scam "Smishing" Raises Significant Issues

Beware of smishing scams! FBI alerts on fake parking and toll texts stealing personal info. Learn how to protect yourself from these phishing attacks.

Beware: Forex Investment Fraud Targeting Low Income Earners

Beware: Forex Investment Fraud Targeting Low Income Earners

SEC charges Jonathan Webb for defrauding investors, including low-income cemetery workers, in a $1.7M Forex scam. The settlement includes $400K in penalties.

Yesterday 14:48
Retiree Loses RM2.33 Million in Investment Scam – Could You Be Next?

Retiree Loses RM2.33 Million in Investment Scam – Could You Be Next?

A 62-year-old retiree in Malaysia has reportedly lost RM2.33 million after falling victim to a fraudulent stock investment scheme promoted through a WhatsApp group.

Three days ago
FINRA Panel Orders Stifel to Pay $132.5M for Misleading Investors

FINRA Panel Orders Stifel to Pay $132.5M for Misleading Investors

FINRA arbitration panel rules Stifel must pay $132.5M for misrepresenting risks of structured notes, highlighting investor protection.

In a week
5 Deepfake Scams Exposed in Malaysia

5 Deepfake Scams Exposed in Malaysia

Authorities in Malaysia have identified five deepfake videos linked to fraudulent investment schemes, highlighting the growing threat posed by artificial intelligence (AI)-driven scams.

In a week
Bitcoin Prince Sam Lee Now Charged with Billion-Dollar Fraud

Bitcoin Prince Sam Lee Now Charged with Billion-Dollar Fraud

Once recognised as the Prince of Bitcoin, Sam Lee, who is also the co-founder of Hyperverse and HyperFund, is now charged with a billion-dollar fraud.

In a week
SEC Charges Ronald A. Pallek in $1.54 Million Fraudulent Investment Scheme

SEC Charges Ronald A. Pallek in $1.54 Million Fraudulent Investment Scheme

SEC sues Ronald A. Pallek for a $1.54M fraudulent scheme, alleging false promises and Ponzi-like payments to investors.

In a week
A Man Behind $96B Crypto Laundering Scheme Arrested in India

A Man Behind $96B Crypto Laundering Scheme Arrested in India

Indian authorities arrest Aleksej Besciokov, wanted by the US for running a $96B crypto exchange linked to global money laundering, cybercrime, and terrorism.

In a week
The ‘Boom-S’ Scam: How a Simple Click Led to RM46,534 in Losses

The ‘Boom-S’ Scam: How a Simple Click Led to RM46,534 in Losses

A 32-year-old accountant lost RM46,534 to the fraudulent 'Boom-S' investment scheme after being added to a Whatsapp group named PJT Academy.

In a week
Crypto Scam Advertised on Facebook Costs an E-Hailing Driver RM147,600

Crypto Scam Advertised on Facebook Costs an E-Hailing Driver RM147,600

A 65-year-old e-hailing driver in Malaysia has lost RM147,604 to a fraudulent cryptocurrency stock scheme that was advertised on Facebook.

In a week
Stay Alert: Binance Email Scam Promising Access to “TRUMP Coin”

Stay Alert: Binance Email Scam Promising Access to “TRUMP Coin”

A new Binance email scam tricks users with a fake Trump Coin app that installs ConnectWise RAT malware. Learn how cybercriminals exploit trends to steal data fast.

In a week
20-Year-Old Singaporean Mastermind Behind $450 Million Crypto Theft

20-Year-Old Singaporean Mastermind Behind $450 Million Crypto Theft

A 20-year-old Singaporean and his accomplice orchestrated one of the largest cryptocurrency thefts in U.S. history, funnelling over $230 million in Bitcoin through sophisticated laundering schemes while indulging in an extravagant lifestyle that ultimately led to their downfall.

In a week
63-Year-old Malaysian Lost RM300,378 to SILEGX

63-Year-old Malaysian Lost RM300,378 to SILEGX

A 63-year-old man in Malaysia lost RM300,378 after being lured by an online cryptocurrency promotion that led him to invest in SILEGX.

In a week
Teacher Lost Life Savings in WhatsApp Investment Fraud

Teacher Lost Life Savings in WhatsApp Investment Fraud

A Malaysian teacher recently became the victim of an elaborate investment scam, losing more than RM200,000 after being lured into a fraudulent Bitcoin scheme through WhatsApp.

In a week
Unmasking a RM24 Million Forex Scam in Malaysia

Unmasking a RM24 Million Forex Scam in Malaysia

Authorities in Malaysia have identified the prime suspect behind a foreign exchange (forex) investment fraud that has caused losses exceeding RM24 million.

In a week
Beware: Another Victim Of Finalto Clone Scam

Beware: Another Victim Of Finalto Clone Scam

A techie lost INR 45 lakh to a Finalto clone scam via a dating app. Learn how forex scammers operate and protect your investments from fraud.

In a week
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