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its very sad for me to write this Nelisiwe Mashango co founder and ceo of Ubunto investments contact me and tell me that if i give her R200 i will get back R3600 in a period of 3hours. Well it did not happen. Then she say to me to pay R90 that was all that i have in my bank i provide her with screenshots of my bank and still she said to me that i will receive the R3600. Well surprisingly it did not happen. Then the next step she say to me that i must pay R700 with another to get. This is very dissapionting and i hope that other people also read this before they get hurt like me. I am only a sassa(goverment) pensioner with little funds. And then you get people like Nelisiwe Mashango that is willing to take the last cent from people. Well its heartbreaking Thank you.
Sinceramente, essa é uma das melhores corretoras que já usei... além disso, o spread delas é bem tranquilo, diferente de outras corretoras por aí. Altamente recomendado Ubuntu Invest!!!
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