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Aplicação de Pesquisa Regulamentar da Corretora Global
Dollar Soften After Jerome Dovish Testimony

Dollar Soften After Jerome Dovish Testimony

Jerome Powell's two-day testimony before the Senate concluded yesterday, with a dovish tone that bolstered the market's risk-on sentiment and tempered the dollar's strength

Dollar Calm on Neutral Powell’s Testimony

Dollar Calm on Neutral Powell’s Testimony

The market remained calm as the Fed's chief delivered a neutral statement, the dollar index (DXY) held near the $105 mark, while Wall Street traded sideways.

All Eye on Powell’s Testimony

All Eye on Powell’s Testimony

Jerome Powell’s 2-day testimony at Capitol Hill begins today, and traders will be closely monitoring his statements for insights into the rate cut schedule.

Dollar Weaken on High Unemployment Rate

Dollar Weaken on High Unemployment Rate

With earnings growth showing signs of cooling, anticipation mounts for a potential shift in the Federal Reserve's current tightening stance dollar's strength eases

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 2

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 2

Recent developments include Labour's landslide UK election victory, geopolitical tensions from Eurasian security discussions, Trump's election impact on Japanese stocks, EU's tech regulatory actions, tentative Hamas-Israel ceasefire, continuity in Mexican policies, Toronto's housing market rise, Boeing's Starliner issues, SpaceX's ISS deorbit contract, Indian IT companies' earnings, Malaysian tech stocks upgrade, Philippine inflation easing, Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's drug approval, US housing mark

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 1

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 1

Recent developments include Labour's landslide UK election victory, geopolitical tensions from Eurasian security discussions, Trump's election impact on Japanese stocks, EU's tech regulatory actions, tentative Hamas-Israel ceasefire, continuity in Mexican policies, Toronto's housing market rise, Boeing's Starliner issues, SpaceX's ISS deorbit contract, Indian IT companies' earnings, Malaysian tech stocks upgrade, Philippine inflation easing, Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's drug approval, US housing mark

Wall Street Rally Ahead of NFP

Wall Street Rally Ahead of NFP

Wall Street saw a notable rally with the Nasdaq and S&P 500 reaching all-time highs, while the Dow Jones lagged.

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 2

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 2

Recent developments include President Biden's potential re-election reconsideration, Asia-Pacific market highs, PwC's auditing issues in China, potential acquisitions in the energy and retail sectors, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory actions impacting markets. Key impacts include fluctuations in USD, CNY, CAD, TWD, EUR, GBP, and AUD, with significant effects on stock markets across the US, Asia, and Europe.

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 1

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 1

Recent developments include President Biden's potential re-election reconsideration, Asia-Pacific market highs, PwC's auditing issues in China, potential acquisitions in the energy and retail sectors, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory actions impacting markets. Key impacts include fluctuations in USD, CNY, CAD, TWD, EUR, GBP, and AUD, with significant effects on stock markets across the US, Asia, and Europe.

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 2

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 2

Geopolitical tensions rise as Chinese and Russian firms develop attack drones, potentially aiding Russia. Trump’s fundraising outpaces Biden, increasing political uncertainty. New Japanese banknotes may boost investment and spending. Changes in China’s financial sector align with "common prosperity" policies. Asian stocks rise with easing U.S. inflation concerns, while oil prices surge on reduced U.S. inventories. Slow services growth in China and strong retail sales in Australia affect respecti

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 1

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 1

Geopolitical tensions rise as Chinese and Russian firms develop attack drones, potentially aiding Russia. Trump’s fundraising outpaces Biden, increasing political uncertainty. New Japanese banknotes may boost investment and spending. Changes in China’s financial sector align with "common prosperity" policies. Asian stocks rise with easing U.S. inflation concerns, while oil prices surge on reduced U.S. inventories. Slow services growth in China and strong retail sales in Australia affect respecti

Weekly Economic Calendar: Key Events Impacting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU)

Weekly Economic Calendar: Key Events Impacting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU)

This week's economic calendar is packed with key events affecting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU). In the USA, watch for Core PCE Price Index, ISM Manufacturing PMI, Initial Jobless Claims, and JOLTs Job Openings. Japan releases the Tankan Large Manufacturers Index and Services PMI. The UK focuses on Manufacturing and Construction PMI, while the Eurozone releases CPI and Services PMI data. Each event's potential impacts on currencies and gold are analyzed for market insights.

Yen Continues to Slides on Soft Economy Performance

Yen Continues to Slides on Soft Economy Performance

the Japanese yen continued to slide against its peers, market strategists predict that the yen could climb above the 170 mark against the dollar

All Eye on Today’s U.S. PCE

All Eye on Today’s U.S. PCE

Investors are eagerly anticipating today’s U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) data for further insights into the dollar’s trajectory.

Japanese Yen Trades to New Low in Decades

Japanese Yen Trades to New Low in Decades

The Japanese Yen plummeted to its weakest level since 1986 at 160.87 against the greenback, the currency pair has lost more than 12% this year

Gold Edge Higher on Soft Dollar

Gold Edge Higher on Soft Dollar

In the commodity market, gold and oil prices edged higher in the last session mainly due to the easing of the dollar.

Japan Warns for Market Intervention to Protect Yen

Japan Warns for Market Intervention to Protect Yen

Japan's top currency official has heightened concerns by stating that Japanese authorities are prepared to intervene in the currency market around the clock if necessary.

Japanese Yen Hammers by Soft CPI

Japanese Yen Hammers by Soft CPI

the Japanese Yen has traded to its weakest level since April. The disappointing Japan National Core Inflation rate has further weakened the Yen

Focus on Today’s BoE Interest Rate Decision

Focus on Today’s BoE Interest Rate Decision

Attention now turns to the Pound Sterling as the Bank of England’s (BoE) interest rate decision is due later today.

Yen Strengthen in Hawkish BoJ Statement

Yen Strengthen in Hawkish BoJ Statement

the Japanese yen saw modest gains as the Bank of Japan (BoJ) chief signalled a potential rate hike next month if economic data proves satisfactory.

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