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Investment Scam
Malaysia’s Former PM’s Social Media Hacked to Promote Crypto Scam

Malaysia’s Former PM’s Social Media Hacked to Promote Crypto Scam

A recent cryptocurrency scam has highlighted a growing and concerning trend—hackers hijacking the social media accounts of political figures to promote fraudulent digital assets. The latest incident involved Malaysia’s former Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, whose X (formerly Twitter) account was compromised to market a fake meme coin called "Malaysia."

Spotting Red Flags: The Ultimate Guide to Dodging WhatsApp & Telegram Stock Scams

Spotting Red Flags: The Ultimate Guide to Dodging WhatsApp & Telegram Stock Scams

Learn to Recognize Fake Tips, Pump-and-Dump Schemes, and Social Media Traps Before You Lose Money.

Investment Scam on Telegram: How a Woman Lost Over RM65,000

Investment Scam on Telegram: How a Woman Lost Over RM65,000

A 32-year-old accountant in Malaysia lost RM65,520 after falling victim to an investment scam operated through Telegram. The Kuala Terengganu district police confirmed that the scam was orchestrated by a syndicate that promised high returns to lure unsuspecting investors.

FCA Seizes £6.5M from Insider Trader and Fraudster in Crackdown

FCA Seizes £6.5M from Insider Trader and Fraudster in Crackdown

UK FCA confiscates £6.5M from insider trader and investment scammer, reinforcing commitment to combat financial crime and protect market integrity.

3-Day Online Scam Trap: Victims Lose $200K—Don't Be Next!

3-Day Online Scam Trap: Victims Lose $200K—Don't Be Next!

Scam syndicates are now exploiting fake online investment schemes, defrauding victims of millions within just three days. According to 2024 police data, online fraud cases surged by 29%, with losses exceeding RM1.57 billion. Non-existent investment scams alone saw an 80% increase, costing victims RM848.62 million.

Woman Scammed Out of RM200,000 in Investment Fraud

Woman Scammed Out of RM200,000 in Investment Fraud

A 54-year-old vegetable trader from Tepoh, Kuala Nerus, was scammed out of RM214,700 after falling for a fraudulent investment scheme advertised on Facebook. The victim was lured by promises of quick, high returns with minimal investment

Philippine Authorities Bust Manila Online Scam Farm, Arrest 100

Philippine Authorities Bust Manila Online Scam Farm, Arrest 100

Philippine authorities arrest 100 in Manila online scam raid, uncovering fraud, harassment, and cybercrime linked to gaming firms.

CFTC Wins $451.6M Judgment in Global Binary Options Fraud Case

CFTC Wins $451.6M Judgment in Global Binary Options Fraud Case

CFTC secures $451.6M settlement against offshore entities and individuals for binary options fraud, including BigOption, BinaryBook, and BinaryOnline.

Philippine POGO Scam Targets Over 5,000 Australians

Philippine POGO Scam Targets Over 5,000 Australians

Philippine POGO scam targets over 5,000 Australians through fake romantic relationships, cryptocurrency fraud, and organized crime networks exposed in Pasay City.

 Ex-Manager Scammed of RM2M in Fake Investment

Ex-Manager Scammed of RM2M in Fake Investment

A Malaysian ex-manager lost RM2 million to a fake crypto investment via the digzax.com platform after being lured by promises of high returns. Police urge caution against unregulated apps and social media offers.

Can Philippines Combat Crypto Scams and Money Laundering Effectively?

Can Philippines Combat Crypto Scams and Money Laundering Effectively?

Can the Philippines effectively fight crypto scams as an instrument of money laundering and other illegal gambling? Discover the challenges, reforms, and efforts to exit the FATF gray list.

Teen Among 7 Busted in Shocking Online Investment Scam

Teen Among 7 Busted in Shocking Online Investment Scam

A 17-year-old boy and six others face charges for allegedly running a fraudulent investment scheme in Taman Ekoflora. While the six adults pleaded guilty, the teen denied the charges. The group could face penalties under Section 120B(2) of the Penal Code. The court will reconvene on March 6 to decide on sentencing.

NBI Busts Crypto and Phishing Scam Operation in Parañaque City

NBI Busts Crypto and Phishing Scam Operation in Parañaque City

NBI nabbed eight Chinese nationals for crypto scams phishing, cryptocurrency fraud, and social engineering.

Project Manager Loses Over RM138,000 in Shocking Investment Scam

Project Manager Loses Over RM138,000 in Shocking Investment Scam

A 37-year-old project manager lost over RM138,000 to an investment scam after being lured by promises of 20% returns. The victim was deceived by a fraudulent caller posing as a bank employee and transferred funds through 30 online transactions. The scam involved a mule account, leading to an investigation under Sections 420 and 424 of the Penal Code. Authorities urge the public to verify investment opportunities with trusted organizations to avoid similar schemes.

Breaking News: Indian Firm Defrauds UAE Businesses of ₹29 Crore Trade Scam

Breaking News: Indian Firm Defrauds UAE Businesses of ₹29 Crore Trade Scam

Indian firm defrauds UAE businesses in a ₹29 crore trade scam. Details on victims, modus operandi, and police investigations.

Vanguard Settles $106M SEC Case Over Misleading Investors

Vanguard Settles $106M SEC Case Over Misleading Investors

Vanguard settles $106M SEC case over misleading investors on tax impacts of capital gains in retirement funds. Learn how this affects impacted investors nationwide.

How Arcadia Equity Co Limited Defrauded an Unemployed Woman of RM2.2 Million

How Arcadia Equity Co Limited Defrauded an Unemployed Woman of RM2.2 Million

An unemployed 46-year-old woman from Selangor fell victim to a sophisticated investment scam, losing a total of RM2,219,217.83. The scam involved a fake company named Arcadia Equity Co Limited, promoted through a Facebook advertisement in August 2024.

SEC Charges Nova Labs for Crypto Fraud and Violations

SEC Charges Nova Labs for Crypto Fraud and Violations

SEC charges Nova Labs for crypto fraud, unregistered offerings, and investor misrepresentation. Gensler's tenure ends with a bold move on crypto accountability.

NBI Cebu Arrests Forex Trader for Illegal Investment Solicitation

NBI Cebu Arrests Forex Trader for Illegal Investment Solicitation

NBI Cebu arrests forex trader for illegal investment solicitation. Learn about the scam, charges, and tips to verify investment legitimacy.

Miami Firm Owner Pleads Guilty to $6M Ponzi Scheme Fraud

Miami Firm Owner Pleads Guilty to $6M Ponzi Scheme Fraud

Miami businessman Henry Abdo pleads guilty to a $6M Ponzi scheme fraud through Titanium Capital LLC, devastating 200+ investors. Protect yourself from investment scams.

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