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Aplicação de Pesquisa Regulamentar da Corretora Global
Investment Scam
How a Promised RM1.4 Million Return Turned into a Costly Scam

How a Promised RM1.4 Million Return Turned into a Costly Scam

A 39-year-old online trader from Malaysia has reportedly lost RM252,004 to a fraudulent investment scheme. The scam, which promised a lucrative return of RM1.4 million within two months, has left the victim facing substantial financial loss.

BitMEX Fined $100M in U.S. for Anti-Money-Laundering Violations

BitMEX Fined $100M in U.S. for Anti-Money-Laundering Violations

BitMEX fined $100M for anti-money laundering and KYC violations. The case highlights the U.S. crackdown on crypto platforms ignoring Bank Secrecy Act rules.

12 Chinese, 5 Filipinos Arrested in Paranaque Scam Operation

12 Chinese, 5 Filipinos Arrested in Paranaque Scam Operation

NBI arrests 12 Chinese nationals, and 5 Filipinos in Paranaque for scamming, bribery, cryptocurrency fraud, and violations of the Cybercrime Prevention Act.

Titanium Capital LLC Ponzi Scheme: Henry Abdo Admits Fraud, Impacting Over 200 Investors

Titanium Capital LLC Ponzi Scheme: Henry Abdo Admits Fraud, Impacting Over 200 Investors

Henry Abdo, founder and CEO of Titanium Capital LLC, recently admitted in U.S. federal court orchestrating an investment fraud scheme that exceeded $6 million. This case exposed a years-long Ponzi scheme involving hundreds of investors.

Police Dismantle Online Investment Scam Hub in Johor

Police Dismantle Online Investment Scam Hub in Johor

Authorities in Johor, Malaysia, have dismantled an alleged online investment scam, arresting seven individuals during a raid in Taman Ekoflora on 13 January. The suspects, aged between 18 and 41, had reportedly turned an apartment into a base for their fraudulent activities.

CFTC Orders Mosaic to Pay Over $1 Million for Fraudulent Crypto Scheme

CFTC Orders Mosaic to Pay Over $1 Million for Fraudulent Crypto Scheme

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has recently filed a significant lawsuit against Mosaic Exchange Limited and its CEO, Sean Michael, alleging a fraudulent digital asset commodity scheme that occurred between February 2019 and June 2021.

Elderly Ipoh Man Loses Nearly RM1 Million in Online Investment Scam

Elderly Ipoh Man Loses Nearly RM1 Million in Online Investment Scam

An elderly man in Ipoh, Malaysia, has fallen victim to an online investment scam, losing RM974,000 in the process. The 67-year-old’s ordeal came to light after he lodged a report with the Ipoh district police on January 11, 2025.

Businessman Loses RM1.38mil in Online Investment Scam

Businessman Loses RM1.38mil in Online Investment Scam

Malaysian businessman loses RM1.38mil in IPO investment scam after falling for fraudulent overseas investment platform. Learn how to avoid such traps and protect your finances.

PayPal Users Warned About Sophisticated "No-Phish" Cyberattack

PayPal Users Warned About Sophisticated "No-Phish" Cyberattack

PayPal issues an alert about a new 'no-phish' cyberattack targeting users directly through its platform. Learn how this advanced scam works and how to stay safe.

400 Foreign Nationals Arrested in Crypto Scam Raid in Manila

400 Foreign Nationals Arrested in Crypto Scam Raid in Manila

400 foreign nationals were arrested in Manila, Philippines during a large-scale raid on an online scam farm linked to human trafficking and fraud. Learn more about this crackdown.

Female Celebrity Voluntarily Surrenders Over SEC Violation Charges

Female Celebrity Voluntarily Surrenders Over SEC Violation Charges

Rufa Mae Quinto faces 14 counts of SEC violations linked to Dermacare's investment scheme. She denies fraud allegations and posts P1.7M bail.

RM5.9M Lost to "Davidson Kempner Capital Management" Facebook Scam

RM5.9M Lost to "Davidson Kempner Capital Management" Facebook Scam

A private contractor in Malaysia faced a devastating loss of over RM5.9 million after falling victim to a fraudulent investment scheme promoted on Facebook. Tempted by the scheme’s impressive claims and credentials, the victim began investing in September 2024. The investment process required him to download an application called A-Trade, which was readily available on the Apple Store.

BI Apprehends Japanese Scam Leader in Manila

BI Apprehends Japanese Scam Leader in Manila

The Bureau of Immigration apprehended a Japanese scam leader in Manila for targeting elderly victims in Japan, with plans to investigate possible local operations.

Dutch Law Student Arrested for €4.5 Million Crypto Scam

Dutch Law Student Arrested for €4.5 Million Crypto Scam

Dutch police arrest a law student for a €4.5M crypto scam, exposing pyramid schemes and investor losses.

Beware: Pig Butchering Scam Targeting Vulnerable Individuals

Beware: Pig Butchering Scam Targeting Vulnerable Individuals

Beware of the rising 'investment scam' or 'pig butchering scam,' preying on students, homemakers, and job seekers, causing daily financial losses, warns Union Home Ministry.

​Exnova Scam Alert: Account Blocked, Funds Stolen, and Zero Accountability

​Exnova Scam Alert: Account Blocked, Funds Stolen, and Zero Accountability

Exnova Forex scam exposed! Victim report blocked account and stolen funds from this unregulated broker. Learn how they operate and why you should stay far away.

Ghana Trader Jailed for $300K Forex and Crypto Scam

Ghana Trader Jailed for $300K Forex and Crypto Scam

Trader Benjamin Boateng is in custody for a $300K fraud involving forex and crypto. Victims claim he promised big profits but lost their money.

Lawsuit Filed Against PayPal Over Honey’s Affiliate Fraud

Lawsuit Filed Against PayPal Over Honey’s Affiliate Fraud

A lawsuit alleges PayPal’s Honey extension redirected affiliate commissions from YouTube creators, sparking a $5M legal battle.

Malaysian Man Killed in Alleged Forex Dispute-Related Attack

Malaysian Man Killed in Alleged Forex Dispute-Related Attack

A 44-year-old Malaysian businessman, Wong Kai Lai, died after being attacked by about 20 men in Jenjarom, Kuala Langat, on 19 December. Police believe the attack may have been linked to a foreign currency exchange dispute.

Top 9 Financial Fraud Cases in Recent History

Top 9 Financial Fraud Cases in Recent History

Know the top 9 financial fraud cases in history, from Enron to FTX, uncovering deception and greed. Learn how WikiFX protects investors from scams and fraud.

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