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Абстракт:When your morning routine involves chaotic scrambling, you're setting yourself up for a bad day.
When your morning routine involves chaotic scrambling, you're setting yourself up for a bad day.Productivity experts recommend seven easy things you can do the night before to make your morning routine easier.Simple measures like choosing your outfit and packing your bag the night before can save you crucial time after you wake up.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Maybe you hit snooze one too many times, or sang one more song during your morning shower.Before you know it, you're running late and have to scramble to complete your morning routine. It's tempting to beat yourself up over the morning's missteps, but starting your day off with chaos and negativity will only set the course for a bad day to come.That's why two productivity experts, consultant Julie Morgenstern and author Laura Vanderkam, recommend taking some simple measures before you go to bed to make your morning routine more seamless.In order to save time in the morning, you should save some of your toughest decisions — like what you're going to wear and what items you need for work that day — for the night before, when you're still sharp and not pressed for time. You'll be able to tailor your routine around how much time you need to get ready each morning.“Everybody's different,” Morgenstern told Business Insider. “You have to design your morning from the inside out. Who are you? How much time does it really take to get from waking up to out the door?”With that in mind, here are seven simple things you can do at night to make your morning routine easier.
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