Tiếng Việt
Bahasa Indonesia
Абстракт:All kinds of investments are risky. Risks of forex trading are mainly caused by the following factors.
All kinds of investments are risky. Risks of forex trading are mainly caused by the following factors:
1. Lack of transparency: The forex market is not totally transparent because of the dominance of forex brokers. Instead of the control over the execution of orders, it is limited views of quotes that can be received by traders from their brokers. A straightforward solution to this issue is choosing regulated forex brokers only.
2. Complex process of determining prices: Forex rates are influenced by lots of factors, including political and economic ones, that are hard to be analyzed.
3. High leverage and high risks: High leverage can increase losses, making a transaction apt to be a nightmare haunted by losing profits. Only can you be successful if you have a thorough understanding of the leverage, boast an efficient scheme of capital allocation, and always keep your emotions under control.
4. High fluctuation: Suffering losses is common in fiercely turbulent forex market under the context of uncontrollable macro-economy and geopolitics. If stocks are problematic, stockholders can impose pressure on the management level whereas traders may find that no one is available to help them. When bankruptcies hung over Iceland, traders involved in ISK trading could do nothing but stay in helplessness and hopelessness.
The 24/7 market sets obstacles for people to observe and monitor prices and fluctuation. The best coping approach is to strictly control the stop-loss of trading and conduct systemic transactions through well-designed tactics.
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