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The mayor of New York is very well-known nationally, but voters have a dim view of his chances to beat Trump.
"But the economy isn't giving President Donald Trump an edge in an early read of the very key Keystone State."
Overall, about 68% of respondents said they either support or strongly support the plan the Loan Shark Prevention Act.
The Senate map is not in Democrats' favor going into the 2020 elections.
Castro was secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama from 2014 to 2017, and before that he was mayor of San Antonio.
Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts is known by just 7% of Democratic voters while Sens. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are known by more than 80%.
Warren is known for her ability to make complex policy issue relatable to everyday Americans. That skill is paying off on the campaign trail.
Sen. Bernie Sanders got some bad news in the most recent 2020 polling, and it spells trouble for him in New Hampshire where Joe Biden is ahead.
Some primaries and caucuses award delegates to the top candidates. Some are winner-take-all. It is a complex process that requires real talent to navigate.
"Chris Hughes is right. Today's big tech companies have too much power—over our economy, our society, & our democracy," Elizabeth Warren tweeted.
President Trump this week struggled to pronounce the name of South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
"There's so many nicknames I'm inclined to give this guy."
Biden accused Republicans of seeking to curtail Americans' voting rights, using laws that target communities of color, in an effort to win elections.
From the Democratic frontrunners to the dark horses, here's a complete list of who has officially announced a 2020 bid for the White House.
The Biden campaign received money from just under 97,000 donors, far fewer than the 225,000 who gave to Bernie Sanders in his first 24 hours.
Biden has yet to announce his candidacy, but his support could crumble the moment another candidate emerges who demonstrates electability.
"My intent was not to deceive anyone,'' Biden wrote at the time. ''For if it were, I would not have been so blatant.''
"Those very same ideas are now supported not only by Democratic candidates for president but by Democratic candidates all across the board."
President Trump's 2020 campaign backtracked on a statement on 5G wireless technology after it appeared to contradict Trump administration policy.
A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that Trump's job-approval ratings are climbing, though a majority of voters still disapprove of his policies.