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บทคัดย่อ:Even Pixel owners who didn't suffer from the defect could be entitled to $20 as a part of a class-action settlement.
{1} Google已同意根据2016年发布的原始Pixel智能手机的问题解决集体诉讼。来自The Verge的报告。2017年,谷歌承认,由于制造问题,一小部分Pixels的麦克风有缺陷,但继续销售这些设备。如果遭遇缺陷,像素所有者可以获得高达500美元的报酬,甚至Pixel Verge报道,没有任何问题的所有者可以获得20美元作为集体诉讼和解的一部分。访问Business Insider的主页以获取更多故事.Google同意向购买原始Pixel智能手机的人支付高达500美元的费用。根据The Verge.Back在2017年的一份报告,谷歌承认,一小部分Pixel设备的麦克风有缺陷,导致数百起投诉和退回设备。然而,该设备从未被推向市场。2018年提起的集体诉讼批评谷歌继续出售Pixel,尽管知道这一缺陷,并声称多名退回有缺陷设备的人被给予替换Verge报道,谷歌同意解决诉讼,并向收到有缺陷的替代品的人支付高达500美元的费用。那些仅处理一个有缺陷的Pixel的人可以获得高达350美元的报酬,即使没有遇到任何问题的Pixel所有者也可以获得高达20美元的报酬。使用保险取代Pixel的人也可以报销价值。谷歌没有立即回应Business Insider的评论请求。根据Verge的说法,和解仍在等待初步批准,听证会定于6月5日。处理案件的律师事务所也将负责确保Pixel所有者获得支付。有兴趣加入和解的人应该访问他们的网站,但目前似乎有所下降,可能是由于Pixel所有者大量涌入.Pixel有缺陷的麦克风s受制造问题的影响,导致手机的音频硬件断开连接。 Pixel于2016年10月推出,客户立即开始报告音频问题。几个月后,谷歌员工发现了硬件问题并对其制造过程进行了调整。上个月,谷歌还针对其Nexus 6P智能手机解决了集体诉讼。一些Nexus 6P设备遭遇“bootloop”问题,迫使手机不断重启,处理该问题的人有权获得高达400美元的费用。谷歌与华为合作推出Nexus 6P,这些公司可以向过去的客户支付高达975万美元。 {1}{0}{1}
Google has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit based on an issue with its original Pixel smartphone, which was released in 2016, according to a report from The Verge.In 2017, Google acknowledged that a small percentage of Pixels had defective microphones due to a manufacturing issue, but continued to sell the devices.Pixel owners could be paid up to $500 if they suffered from the defect, and even Pixel owners who had no problems could be entitled to $20 as a part of the class action settlement, Verge reports.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Google has agreed to pay people who bought their original Pixel smartphone up to $500 as a part of a class action settlement, according to a report from The Verge.Back in 2017, Google acknowledged that a small percentage of Pixel devices had defective microphones, which led to hundreds of complaints and returned devices. However, the device was never pulled from the market.A class action lawsuit filed in 2018 criticized Google for continuing to sell the Pixel in spite of knowledge of the defect, and claimed that multiple people who returned their defective devices were given replacements with the same problem.Google agreed to settle the lawsuit and will pay people who received a defective replacement up to $500, Verge reports. Those who dealt with just one defective Pixel could be paid up to $350, and even Pixel owners who didn't experience any issues could be paid up to $20. People who used insurance to replace a Pixel can also be reimbursed for the value.Google did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment.According to the Verge, the settlement is still awaiting preliminary approval, with a hearing scheduled for June 5. The law firm handling the case will also be responsible for making sure Pixel owners get their payouts. People interested in joining the settlement should visit their website, but it seems to be down at the moment, likely due to a massive influx of Pixel owners.The Pixel's defective microphones were impacted by a manufacturing issue that created a disconnect in the phone's audio hardware. The Pixel launched in October 2016 and customers began reporting audio problems right away. Google employees identified the hardware problem a few months later and made adjustments to its manufacturing process.Last month, Google also settled a class action lawsuit targeting its Nexus 6P smartphone. Some Nexus 6P devices suffered from a “bootloop” issue that forced the phone to constantly restart, and people who dealt with the issue are entitled to up to $400. Google partnered with Huawei to launch the Nexus 6P, and the companies could pay up to $9.75 million to past customers.
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