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Özet:One in six vehicles operating for Uber, Lyft and other ride-hailing companies has been recalled, a new study by Consumer Reports has found.
One in six vehciles operating for Uber and Lyft in NYC and Seattle are recalled models, a Consumer Reports study has found.
For taxi and limousine cars, the number was even higher.
The magazine analysed over 90,000 ride-hailing vehicles to compare VINS to a recall database.
One out of six Uber and Lyft drivers in the New York City and Seattle areas are driving vehicles with outstanding recalls, according to Consumer Reports.
But taking a taxi or limousine isn't necessarily a safer option: nearly a quarter of traditional for-hire vehicles in New York City such as taxis, limousines and livery cabs also need repairs due to outstanding recalls, .
That means that many of the cars people jump into using the most popular ride-hailing apps have outstanding issues that they haven't repaired such as faulty air bags, possible engine failure and potential car fires.
Consumer Reports analyzed nearly 94,000 ride-hailing vehicles in the New York City and Seattle areas and about 30,000 traditional for-hire vehicles including taxis and limousines in New York City. They took vehicle identification numbers which were publicly available in those markets and ran them through a Carfax tool that checks if they have open recalls.
“The fact is, the recalls inherently by law are issued when they present an unreasonable safety risk,” said Ryan Felton, investigative reporter for Consumer Reports. And the tens of millions of people who actively use Uber and Lyft services “may not realize that in some of these cars, that the companies are not requiring the cars to be fixed.”
When an Uber driver has an outstanding recall that's serious enough to prompt a “do not drive” warning, that driver is deactivated, Uber said. The company initiated the practice last June, a spokeswoman said.
Lyft drivers' cars in those markets are inspected before they hit the road, and drivers are responsible for making sure their vehicle meets industry safety standards, Lyft said.
“Lyft drivers use their personal vehicles to drive on the platform — the same car they use in their daily lives, driving their kids to school or friends around town,” Lyft said in a statement.
The outstanding recall rate for ride-hailing vehicles — one in six — is similar to the rate for private vehicles, Consumer Reports said.
“These companies have billion-dollar valuations and their rate, nonetheless, despite their technological prowess and the amount of money that they're raised, their fleets still have an open recall rate that is on par with the national average for private vehicles,” Felton said.
The Taxi and Limousine Commission, which regulates the for-hire vehicle industry in New York City, said it checks whether its licensees — including drivers for Uber, Lyft, taxis and limousines — have outstanding recalls. It sends reminders to the vehicle owners, but because it relies on outside data, it does not currently take enforcement actions against those who have missed recall repairs.
“We have to be iron clad sure of the veracity of the data in order for it to legally stand up,” said Allan Fromberg, spokesman for the commission.
“One of a number of challenges, however, is that we cannot issue summonses when the vehicles owners are getting six-month recall appointments from the dealers due to either a lack of parts, or scheduling issues,” Fromberg added.
据消费者报告研究发现,六分之一的Uber和Lyft在纽约和西雅图运营的车辆都是召回模型。 对于出租车和豪华轿车,这个数字甚至更高。该杂志分析了超过90,000辆乘坐车辆,将VINS与召回数据库进行比较。据消费者报告显示,在纽约市和西雅图地区,有六分之一的优步和Lyft司机正在驾驶具有出色召回的车辆。但乘坐出租车或豪华轿车不一定是更安全的选择:在纽约市,近四分之一的传统出租车辆,如出租车,豪华轿车和制服出租车也需要维修,因为有很好的召回,。这意味着许多人开始使用最受欢迎的车辆 - 欢呼应用程序存在尚未修复的突出问题,例如气囊故障,可能的发动机故障和潜在的汽车火灾。消费者报告分析了纽约市和西雅图地区近94,000辆乘坐车辆和大约30,000辆传统车辆在纽约市租用包括出租车和豪华轿车的车辆。他们获取了这些市场上公开的车辆识别号码,并通过Carfax工具运行它们,检查他们是否有公开召回。“事实是,当他们提出不合理的安全风险时,会发布法律规定的召回消费者报告的调查记者Ryan Felton说。并且数以千万计积极使用优步和Lyft服务的人”可能没有意识到,在这些汽车中,公司并不要求汽车被修理。“当优步司机有一个非常好的召回优步说,这足以引发”不开车“警告,该驱动器已停用。 Lyft表示,该公司去年6月开始实施这项做法。一位发言人说,这些市场上的Lyft司机的汽车在上路之前都要接受检查,司机负责确保他们的车辆达到行业安全标准。 ”Lyft司机使用他们的私人车辆Lyft在一份声明中表示,驾驶他们在日常生活中使用的汽车是他们在日常生活中使用的同一辆汽车,他们将孩子带到学校或城镇周围的朋友。“乘坐车辆的召回率非常高消费者报告称,这与私人汽车的价格相似。”尽管他们的技术实力和他们筹集的资金数量,他们的车队仍有数十亿美元的估值及其利率。费尔顿表示,公开的召回率仍然与私人车辆的全国平均水平相当。“出租汽车和豪华轿车委员会负责管理纽约市的租车行业。持牌人 - 包括优步,Lyft,出租车和豪华轿车的司机 - 都有未完成的召回事件。它会向车主发送提醒,但由于它依赖外部数据,因此目前不会对那些错过召回维修的人采取执法行动。 ”我们有该委员会发言人Allan Fromberg说:“要确保数据的真实性,以确保其合法地站起来。”然而,“然而,许多挑战之一是我们无法发行由于缺乏零件或安排问题,车主在六个月内从经销商那里召回召回事件时发出传票,”Fromberg补充道。
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